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The Paragon Education Website
Education Title Page
Main Title Page
Newspaper Articles
Newspaper On Education
Classroom Behaviour
Business & Education
Business Politics & Education
Teaching Development
Qualifications Framework
Useful Links
Left Wing Education
Politics & Education
Key Stages England
CRB2- No Touch Policy,
CRB Articles,
CRB Protection Freedoms Bill
News Story 1A
News Story 2B
News Story 3C
News Story 4D
News Story 5E
News Story 6F
Education Story A
Education Story B 1-4
Teacher's Welfare
Teacher's Welfare-1
Teacher's Welfare-2
Fantasizing Injury 1-3
Classroom Behaviour 1-4
Learning Difficulties LD & LDHD
Improving Performance 1-5
Teaching Strategies 1-2
Article - Consequences 1-3
Parents to Blame 1-4
Focus on Prevention 1-3
Government White paper 1-2
Diploma, Certificate  Scams 1-3
Behaviour Parent Classes 1-2
JCB 1-2
Teaching Development 1-9
UK 2022,
UK Comparison Chart
University CAT Points
USA Dept Ed  1-2
Left Wing Education 1-5
Political Interference 1-2
Migration on Education 1-2
Standards of Education 1-3 (2022)
Keystage Framework -1
Useful Links-1
Professional Burnout 1-4
Resource Intro
Admin Publications
Classroom Publications
Research Intro
Public Research 1
Main Headings
Tuition Fees Rise for UK Students (2022)
North South Divide
Transgender In Classrooms? (2022)
UK Tuition Fees …………………………
Professional Burn-Out...…………………...
Best & Worst British Universities UK 2023......
Best to Worst Universities UK - 2023  1-3
Student Accommodation UK 2023......
Accommodation Given to Foreign 1-2
CVs & Employers Interesting UK 2023......
For Those Seeking Jobs 1-2
Low Ranked Universities
Plan B for UK Students
Inside A' Level 'Shitshow' 1-3
British Students 1-4
A'Level Normality 2023 1-4
UCAS Clearing House UK 2023......
UCAS Clearing House 1-3
Introductions and Introduction Review 2023
GCSE Grades Explained UK 2023...…              GCSE Grades Explained 1-2
University Costs  2023...…                                University Costs Comparisons 1-3
MPs Opinions!...………………………………….
Short Sightedness 2023
Sex Identity in Schools UPDATE 2023...………..
Gender Update for Schools 1-2
War On Woke 1-3 (2023) articles