NW Education, Training & Development
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Looking at Education today, one Perspective...
Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
What can Be The Consequences of Bad Behaviour in The Classroom
Classroom Behaviour
I managed to find some work, but it was short lived due to cutbacks, strikes, streamlining etc. I am sure you can reflect on this period within our history. Every decision I made was affected by new Government legislation and the moving of the goalposts. I diversified into whatever was available and took every opportunity to become more qualified in whatever discipline.

Within my late twenties I was married and because of unemployment I lost my house and wife, I was in debt. Any money I earned through short term contracts went to pay off my debt. I needed permanent work.

Over a number of periods of unemployment and finding out that invested monies ploughed into a private pension had been all in vain; as I had lost the lot when certain banks went bust. At this point in-time I knew I would have to work into old age until I dropped, that is if I could get a job. Without full-time employment the picture of my future is grim.

I did marry for a second time and had two children, a girl and boy; they are grown up now. The marriage lasted fourteen years, lived in a three bedroomed council house until my wife decided she had had enough of unemployment and she took her distraction somewhere else  with a xxxxxt xxxxxxx, ironic really. I also lost my council house due to it being under occupied. I live in a one bedroomed rented flat now.
I don't see my daughter as she thinks I'm a failure, I do see my son and he is slowly coming around to understanding the realities of life.
Where does the system fail us?

Here is a true example how behaviour in classrooms can have an effect on morale and self-confidence of a teacher.

How the system can be negative and non-supportive, instead of positive...

A letter went to an Conservative MP.
Dear (Conservative MP)

Thank you for your E-News email, however I would like to take this opportunity to discuss another matter.
I am a male of xx years of age living in xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx in a Council Property.

Since the 1970's, I came away from the school system with very little in terms of qualifications and it was in the days of Margaret Thatcher, I was told by the Government (irrelevant to the party); to work hard, to obtain qualifications. This is what I did.
Not Getting Support Consequences
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