NW Education, Training & Development
Teaching, Lecturing, Training, Coaching

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Looking at Education today, one Perspective...
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Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
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Copyright © 2024  by Nigel G Wilcox
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Web Title: paragon.myvnc.com
Title Page
Students, Long-term unemployed
No Jobs for local Skills-Set
No Government Funding for Training!
Same Oh Same Oh!
Schools, Training Centres , Colleges
How Long Have We Been Saying This?
Education WOKE it is Broke...en?
The Problem is Down To The Left and of Course Politicians that have Allowed it....
           So! NO CHANGE THERE THEN!
However Government lefties can pay for migrants, through taxpayers money, support another country's war, go green, work from home with incompetence, give us FAKE NEWS and have CAKE during Covid, get a pay rise... and we the people get.....what, exactly?
What the Problem Is Today Is What the Problem Was Yesterday!
The Problem stems from the Government Politicians, the 'elite', the Woke leftists. They
use gaslighting to confuse their audience and there is absence of Common Sense in their 
chants! They are SELFISH! They are LIERS, they only think of THEMSELVES!   These 
people cannot perceive consequence for their actions; medium to long term, hence the
mess this country is in today  7+ years on from Brexit!

What is happening to our Education System?     England, Wales and Scotland and 
Northern Ireland ?  

Do UK Students have any Chance?
Let us hope and pray, yes I said 'Pray', that the UK exists in 5 years....
Personal Insight into Education, that's if anyone is interested? 2024
Qualifications Evaluations 2022