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Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
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Politics & Education
Politics [1-2]
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Parent Classes - 2
Politics Education MENU
Political Intereference?
Students were handed life-qualifying grades based on a computer algorithm that baked in prejudice against schools in deprived communities.
Unqualified Ministers via Holyrood and Westminster, believe they know better concerning the respective Education Systems. Since when? For a number of years our education has seen a decline based on policies from government. Today with the crisis of the pandemic, identity politics it has been a case of point scoring, just total incompetents it seems...

Unfortunately this does have it's consequences. Does the British Government and those playing Government want our British teens to fail? Do they want our countrymen to secure jobs? Or is this a ploy to employ those from overseas as it may prove cheaper and works well for industry? Well! We do have a large population of migrants within the UK, they have to go somewhere since the Government have failed to deport them back to where they originate.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of Government bureaucrats motives to destroying the UK….
© Teachers are being paid less than the minimum wage for the extra hours they are having to work, repo...
Some pupils that had been predicted to get As and Bs were awarded Es and Fs. They were devastated and for over a week, the Scottish government stood by the botched enterprise until the Education Secretary, John Swinney, facing a no-confidence vote in the Scottish Parliament, reverted to the original teacher estimated grades.

Few would have thought it possible to see the examination system do more damage than last year; but reports from my constituents make it clear that there is a serious risk that the arrangements planned for this year could be even more damaging, in terms of their impact on equality, fairness and mental health.
Before the Christmas lockdown, John Swinney promised that there would be no exam diet this year. He assured us the grading system this year would be constructed from continuous assessment, course work and teacher estimation.

And yet, pupils are filing into gym halls up and down the country, and being handed question booklets by an invigilator, to then work through at separate tables over 90 minutes of strict silence. Don’t tell me these aren’t exams.

I understand that one pupil in Shetland has 40 assessments in eight weeks – an average of one a day. Another parent described this as “the worst outcome that could ever possibly have happened”. Teachers and pupils are exhausted.