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Politics [1-2]  Economic Migrants
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How Do We See Migration on Education?
Between 2020 and 2022 we have seen an increase in economic migration. As much as the Government classifying them as Asylum Seekers or refugees, majority of them are NOT! Many are coming from Albania and Iran. It is suggested four in ten are from Albania a country that is part of the EU and NATO. 48% of all migrants who made the perilous journey over the English Channel on small boats in the summer came from Albania, a country that is not at war, according to leaked figures.. (Why do we only have leaked information?)

"This is absolutely clear evidence – in the face of all those on the liberal left who cry for us to let anyone in – that this is an economic issue and, as such, it is desperate that we get on with the Rwanda programme" or any programme to reduce the numbers

The government has spent £493 million over seven years trying to stop migrants and this is what we only know of....?
ALBANIAN migrants posing as children are sneaking into the UK -- putting schools and foster carers at risk, according to bombshell reports.

Head teachers have had to reject asylum-seeking students over fears they are adults, the documents revealed. Not before time....common sense should have told us that!

The number of people with an EU nationality decreased in 2018 compared with 2017, mainly accounted for by those holding EU8 nationality, particularly Polish.

Despite the recent decline, Polish has continued to be the most common non-British nationality in the UK since 2007; Poland and India are the most common non-UK countries of birth.

London remains the region with the largest proportion of non-UK born and non-British populations.