
Most, if not all;  cars I have owned in the past!

Some of the following are not the actual pictures of my previous cars, but as close as one can get to the model, colour and condition:
June 23.06.18 
Nigel G Wilcox
Nigel G Wilcox
Powered by S-AM3l1A
Z3 2002 Engine 2.2
5 Speed Manual
My Diary Of An
Nigel G Wilcox
My Diary Of An
I ended up using the bus transportation for a good while when it was cheaper than it is today, until I could save enough money and purchased another vehicle, this was off a family member. The BMW E30 did require some TLC, mechanically it was sound, however the wiring was all over the place and one never knew if any of the electrical accessories would work from one day to the next, until I took a week out to sort out the problems before an MOT. This was a 520i BMW with full chrome bumpers and reasonable high mileage for it's age. Tyres were also reasonable and the vehicle had also a good reasonable paintjob or bodywork and  it did prove to be a reliable car for the time I kept it. I later traded it in for another and more up-to-date BMW prior to the e39, I believe it may have been an early e39 model, more square than the later rounded shape but cannot accurately recall exactly...
Now; the Marina's, as of many of my earlier cars were not really my sort of car however, one does not look a gift horse in the mouth, so-to-speak. (pardon the pun, if one notices the setting above...). I had this car for about twelve months, unfortunately, this was an unlucky car for me, as I had a number of poor choice mishaps with it, one involving my circle of friends at the time; as I was a regular taxi for them... I asked someone to watch my back, as I had a full car and couldn't see out the back clearly, it has all misted up. I reversed and they just allowed me to plough straight into a brick wall damaging my door of the hatchback, so I was not a happy bunny at the time. (Thanks Roger!) This brought the free taxi service and generosity to a halt from this particular point on, I always seemed to pay the price of other people's incompetence, lesson learnt!
Click Cover For Chapters
Published 2018
What finally brought this car to it's end, was a serious crash on a notorius corner on the Stourbridge road, near Collygate during one winter. This wrote her off!  This part of the road was an accident waiting to happen, it had a long, thick brick wall as the road turned near enough 90 degrees and was poorly lit at night. (Some will no doubt identify this place immediately, if they were local or familiar with the area).  If the wall was not there, the car would have survived as of many others in the past and not forgetting some occupancies. The breakdown truck took the vehicle straight to the scrapyard after the police had investigated the accident. After a daylight inspection, the reality did set in; to how lucky I and a friend of mine was, to walk away from it.  I had to climb out of the passenger side door as my door had welded shut and the suspension was very near at face level on the driver's side...I was lucky this time, just walking away with only a broken hand, my passenger and I were understandably also shocked at the time. The local council eventually did take the wall down, replacing it with a wooden fence, though, a couple of years later, not before time...
Note: One recommends reading the diary first and then linking to workshop notes to maintain the continuity of the theme...
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