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The Crosby Garrett Bronze Helmet  Crosby Garrett in Cumbria

I century A.D.
Dark-orange fabric with  mica and lime inclusions; red slip covering exterior, terminated on inside of neck and at lower body. Broad conical body with nearly horizontal shoulder, narrow conical neck with funnel type rim, offset from neck; wide ring foot with groove on underside. Lower neck marked off by ridge, groove in upper portion. Rectangular-sectioned strap handle with three grooves, bent at sharp angle.
Approx: H. 4.2"(10.7 cm).

I- II  century A.D.
Orange fabric, thin orange slip covering exterior, terminated at lower body and below rim on inside. Broad biconical body; wide tall cylindrical neck with groove at upper part; conical rim with groove; low ring foot. Wheel-ridging inside. The handle has two deep grooves on the outside, concave inside. 
Approx: H. 7"(17.8 cm).

I century A.D.
Cream fabric with inclusions of mica; red slip covering exterior, terminated on inside below rim and at lower body, fired dark-brown in some parts. Globular body, turning to long tubular neck with a stepped base and hooked rim; low foot. Segment-sectioned handle.  Middle neck double grooved.
Approx: H. 7.5"(19.1 cm).

Second half of I century- III  century A.D.
Dark red fabric with inclusions of mica, dark red slip covers exterior, terminated at lower body. Broad conical body with nearly horizontal shoulder, narrow cylindrical neck with two grooves at the middle; biconical rim; low  wide foot. Wheel-marks at shoulder and lower body. The handle has two grooves on the outside, flat inside. Handle reattached.
Approx: H. 4.9"(12.4 cm).

I century A.D.
Yellow-orange fabric with red-orange slip covering interior and exterior, terminated at lower body. Elongated body with nearly horizontal shoulder,  parabolic neck; horizontal rim; wide low foot, bottom with incised concentrical circles. Spiral wheel-ridging at the neck. Wheel-marks on lower body. Kidney-shape sectioned handle has one groove along one outside edge .
Approx: H. 6"(15.3 cm).

I century B.C.- I century A.D.
Light orange fine-grained fabric with inclusions of mica. Globular body; double grooved wide "collar" at junction of body and neck. Conical narrow neck with near-cylindrical rim. Low ring foot, central part of underside protruded. Two rectangular-sectioned handles with two grooves on the outside.
Approx: H. 7.3"(18.5 cm).

I century A.D.
Dark orange fabric, orange-brown slip with metallic shimmer covering exterior, terminated at lower body and below rim on inside. Broad conical body with nearly horizontal shoulder; wide long cylindrical neck with two grooves below  hooked rim; low  pedestal foot, convex bottom with incised concentrical circles. Fine wheel-ridging on the body. The handle has two grooves on the outside, one inside.
Approx: H. 7.9"(20.1 cm).

I century A.D.
Cream fabric; dark red slip covering exterior, terminated on inside below rim and at lower body, fired gray-brown with metallic shimmer in some parts. Globular body with parabolic neck with two light ridges on upper part; horizontal rim with vertical edge; low pedestal foot. The handle has two irregular grooves on the outside.
Approx: H. 6.8"(17.3 cm).

I century A.D.
Light orange fabric with inclusions of mica; thin orange slip. Rounded low bellied body gradually turning to wide parabolic neck with flaring mouth, everted rim with  groove on underside. Low foot. Wide angular handle  with two irregular grooves. Wheel-ridging at the body.
Approx: H.  6.5"(16.5 cm)

Second half of I century A.D.
Cream-orange fabric with red slip covering exterior, terminated on inside of neck and at lower body, fired dark brown in some parts. Broad biconical body with narrow neck, bulging at top, separated from the body by groove; horizontal rim with vertical edge; low foot. The handle has three grooves on the outside, the cross-section is kidney-shaped. Two grooves high up on neck.
Approx: H. 5.4"(13.7 cm), D. 4.6"(11.7 cm).

I century B.C.
Light grey fine-grained fabric; black gloss with metallic shimmer covering exterior, terminated on inside of lip and at lower body. Rounded low bellied body gradually turning to flaring neck with wide mouth. Low foot with central part of underside slightly recessed. Handle  with two irregular grooves.
Approx: H.  5.5"(13.9 cm).
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