Lubricants for the RX8 - Engine Restore
Can I Use AMETECH in my RX-8?    

A Brief Answer:


Breif History of Ametech :

The Mazda RX8 is a beautiful car and a joy to drive, but has become renowned for its hot start problems. The car starts on the turn of the key when the engine's cold, but 30 miles down the road you stop at a petrol station to fuel up, get back into the car, turn the key and ....... the engine spins, and spins, and spins, but it won't fire! It can take 15-30 minutes for the engine to cool down enough to restart it and in the meantime you have the embarrassment of having to push the car away from the pumps in front of a forecourt full of fellow motorists. It's enough to make a grown man cry!

Happily though, there is a solution. RX8 owners are discovering that Ametech Restore Engine Restorer is an effective cure for one of the issues related to the Mazda RX8 Renesis Wankel rotary engine's stubbornness to start when the engine is hot. Ametech Restore's unique CSL (copper/lead) micro-beads fill the scratches in the double elliptical cylinder walls, the face plates, rotor walls, apex seals, corner seals, face seals, side seals, and the eccentric shaft, journals and bearings in this twin rotor engine.
By repairing and restoring the friction-producing metal surfaces, Engine Restorer increases compression, restores power and mpg and improves hot starting. Restore works by filling the scratches cut by friction and wear into reciprocating or rotating metal-on-metal surfaces throughout the engine. Simply shake up and add 400mls of Ametech Engine Restorer to the existing oil and drive normally. Compression improves within 300 miles and hot starting problems subside.

Another cause of starting problems and rough running in the Mazda RX8, which applies more to the 192ps than the 231ps model, is coking up of the exhaust ports. Regular use of either Ametech Gasoline Petrol Treatment or Ametech Intake Valve Cleaner will keep pace with this problem by dissolving coke and carbon deposits which, in extreme cases, can lead to freezing of the engine and a complete engine rebuild.

400ml  £21.99
Ametech RESTORE Oil Engine Restorer & Lubricant helps to cure hot start problems in the Mazda RX8 by remetallizing worn apex seals to restore low compression. The 400ml can of Engine Restorer is the ideal size for the RX8 engine.
Published on 2 Mar 2014
Title: Restore results part two 6 months later Duration: 3:35
Using Restore
eBay prices: £10.51 + £4.00 p&p   (400ml)  to £26.99 - Advise to shop around.
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