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The Paragon Publications
Site Maintenance Log

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End of Entries for 2020
Start of Entries for 2020
All 6 mechanical drives replaced or deleted, after duration to resource. Newer SSDs installed. (Old mechanical drives are now reused as 'toaster' backups). All x3 SSDs software is installed and updated. They are quicker, stable & more efficient!  [x3 Innodisk 3ME3 256Gb SSD 6Gb/s 2.5” 7mm Solid State Drives]. Process not easy, SSD's required reconfiguring. System BIOS accompanied Configuration and stability problems. Suspects: Damaged SATA ports on motherboard? 4 remaining ports out of  6 are working ok. Other suspects: Generated corruption from SATA ports, a follow-up with a full BIOS cleanout. The system decided to cooperate out of the blue, after a couple of days of inconcluded diagnosis, joys of computers, frustration and a weird one! Current Philosophy - If something is working...don't fix it! ;)
Work has commenced on the Publication 'Metal Detecting and Archaeology'. Due to the increased size of this publication site, it is being split to form possibly two/three new archives. This will help in shortening the transferring data rate reducing time and errors and will allow for further expansion in terms of new, or added data topics in the future - work will take approximately up to three months to complete via 3 Phases: 1. New Archives, (same format) update & transference of 'specific' data, 2. Replace or upgrade Links 3. Resolve any problems arising. Site can be used as normally, unless where indicated - all areas currently is at Green.
Completed  3 of the 4 Modules in the Metal Detecting Publication after a painstaking effort of 24/7. We are on Schedule and even may bring the publication online earlier. This will then be where the real work starts in diagnosing links. Each page has been inspected, however there are always problems that will arise in the initial test bench period. Some pages have been rediscovered and new links have been forged for researchers benefit. A great surprise for us at least.... So watch this space...
Completed all 4 modules - process of resolving link connections, Metal publication will be going through downtime until all problems are solved....
Today the system crashed big-time and will take awhile to put right, also the network has also caused problems by changing configuration that took time to figure out - so not a good week. System and website will be down, possibly for a couple of weeks for a system rebuild and reinstall....sorry for those that use the site, many apologies, will be up ASAP....
It has taken much longer than expected to complete the system rebuild and software re-install, damage repair to the website is currently in progress, however the publications are working where updated. Site should be back up and running with updates towards the end of March. Again, many thanks for the emails offering support, it is much appreciated.
The Website is up and running, as one can see - work commenced on the Metal Detecting publication
Some supporters have requested for indication of what part is being updated as they wish to observe the process during their 'Virus lockdown', as well as to continue their research. Updates will be ongoing and some major updates will also be evident within the coins section, this is being worked on currently and will take a few weeks to complete... Contact me via email if you wish to contribute info/research that others may find useful, your contributions are always welcome...
05.04.20 03.20
Metal Detecting & Archaeology has now been cosmetically updated as one can now see, the menu are more up to date and more responsive.
Commencing with Anglo-Saxon Coins, slow and progressing during 'virus lockdown'
25.04.20 08.20.
Lots of work and time now concluded - the Car Diaries, have taken on a newer look concerning the way they were originally portrayed. They are  more uniform to each other and to the general theme of a book or manual, they are easier to read (visually anyway), - new updates are added as and when.... delays due to Covid-19. A new good excuse for being non- productive in the content division....;)
04.05.20 10.47.
Metal Detecting & Archaeology - The next phase in addition to some of the completed changes and updates, will be to further add or expand on the content of some of the topics, this will be an on-going process and will be  listed on the right to keep you informed - The major work has now been completed all links have also been checked and some updated, however there maybe some links unintentionally overlooked or missed (I may have been tired when working in the early hours) - Please let me know if you find one...much appreciated.
Working on the Space publication currently, there are some problems as previously mentioned, with a  number of bad links recurring  and will take a little more time to identify the initial source to the problem.  They are tied to menus and are  spread over a  portion of the Space publication. This logistically is adding to further difficulties to conclude, please be patient. Note, on a positive, the majority of the Space publication is working well and the bugs will eventually be removed... and the left-side menu has now been updated to reflect the removal of the Pseudo Science section. Note the change to the title to the Pseudo  Science publication, believing the new one is possibly more appropriate for today and reflects the new discoveries being made throughout Science and Archaeology and the Paradigm shift taking place within societies.
Work Commenced on Splitting the Pseudo Science Section from the Space Research. It has now a stand-a-lone publication. This has proven to be also popular  and will be expanded on in the future.
There has also been problems with links from the Main Index to the appropriate section or publications, this had been rectified, however others have now also been discovered, this is most likely due to the new changes, there may be one or two teething problems, please let me know if you find a problem...
All of the site is now up and running with 'all' links repaired where identified - also some added content to Space Publication - Conventional Aircraft, some pages repaired in Metal Detecting Roman section livery
A few problems have arisen concerning some links within the Space Publication, nothing too serious, more of an inconvenience.  This is mainly down to  either incompatibility issues or software Video platforms being discontinued by Adobe manufacturer's platforms - problems currently between Microsoft edge and Adobe video playback. Microsoft have acknowledged Adobe Notice and excluded from Edge newer updates. Across the board, alternatives are now being sought before official deadline beginning of 2021 comes into force.

All the links have now been rectified as far as we are aware, this has been time consuming to say the least. The original problem was down to a Microsoft update 2014 and yes, caused some problems with videos and caused chaos with links within the websites. Microsoft have acknowledged their problem and have 'hopefully put it right'. Perhaps quality control should be considered before update release? One does not hold one's breath.....
Work has commenced on correcting some broken links on the Metal Detecting Publication general 'Finds' section and 'Metal Detecting Finds' section, one or two of the sub-titles have changed, making the section more identifiable ... these broken links will continue to be corrected as and when found and has been identified to proving a problem in selection... All feedback is always welcome. Email link above.
New entries in BMW Z3 Diary, New updates in Space Publication, Correcting some Links in Metal Detecting
This section has been up and down over the past few days. Problem had arisen within Metal, Reference - ended up resiting this section and recreating new links - This has caused less confusion when it came to updating the pages and any new additional pages in this section. Especially Metals and compositions - It is mainly down to improving housekeeping. Sorry for any inconvenience...






















Sorry Folks! System Crash & an incompetent Customer Service Provider Support - I ended up taking a number of full days out to sort out the problems.- not a happy bunny!... However a sigh of relief at this point in time at least... I believe I am up and running again.... Initially; it was most likely down to a spike or someone deciding to knock out my ports from the router, or provider playing silly Bs' if so, not nice! Life goes on.....maybe looking for a new provider..... buffering on external devices?
Further content updates on Space-Galaxies and BMW Z3 publications-varied
The Paragon Publication - Titles corrected, remnant from a previous spike - Maintenance Archive pages redesigned section, new archive title page- now linked to daily and yearly for easier searches
Further recovery updates on the Z3 publication linked to the Website design software updates & Broadband provider screw-ups - One sometimes wonder why these people never consider stopping the repair of something that didn't need to be repaired in the first place? Wastes time and causes needless problems to the End User! They call these episodes, improvements!