28.12.11-11.00    28.12.11-11:30 - http://www.paragon-ngw.co.uk - Redirected to new home: http://paragon.myvnc.com -
                                                       http://www.paragon-ngw.co.uk should beable to find the appropriate site pages and index
                                                       The changes are due to the size of the site and costs - Limitations Reached with previous hosts.
                                                       Subtle change to title : additional to the word 'The' Paragon Publications.                                                

21.12.11-10.35    22.12.11-16.45 - Poems - The Paragon,  now returned to the home server so ALL publications are together .
                                                       Copies  available on current sites i.e talktalk and VirtualServers (VS Valid until Feb2012)
                                                       Note: HOME Sever:  http://paragon.myvnc.com - ALL notable link errors rectified

12.12.11-09:30    14.12.11-22:00 - Decided to Create new home server - all sites will be transfered by the end of February 2012 - if not
                                                       sooner - ***NEW SERVER :             http://paragon.myvnc.com  - (No limitation)
                                                       Should beable to still access using:  http://www.paragon-ngw.co.uk - redirection from end Dec 2011

29.11.11-11:00    29.11.11-11:50 - The Paragon:  DNS - name default problem with one of two host Server - problem linked TalkTalk .
                                                      Server identified - now after long delay, up and  running - Limitations reached on both servers.
10.11.11-23:35    10.11.11- 23:40 - The Paragon: A Server link down - identifying problem...
07.11.11-11:00    07.11.11- 11.35 - Space: Update Asteroid Warnings Metal: Element Table Update Notes
06.11.11-13:35    06.11.11- 15:00 - Base Unit Reconfiguration - Server Unaffected process completion
06.11.11-13:35    06.11.11- 15:00 - Minor update, noticeboards,  tweaks - Virtual Announcements trial concluded
16.09.11-16:01    16:09.11- 17:30 - General Housekeeping, small update tweaks
26.08.11-11:20    28.08.11- 12:17 - Base Unit Reconfiguration - Server Unaffected - All: Basic Maintenance, tweaks, emails
14.08.11-14:00    14.08.11- 14:50 - Space: Added new link UFO National Archive August 11 Publishing - General Housekeeping
05.08.11-17:45    05.08.11- 17:50 - Index: Virtual Intro 'Emma' Promotion -Temporary for approx. 2 months - monitoring
05.08.11-14:10    06:08.11- 15:00 - Paragon: Poem added - General housekeeping
28.07.11-15:00    28.07.11- 15:40 - Space: European Space Station (flash links) added to site map
21.07.11-09:45    22.07.11- 18.00 - Space: Unexplained Phenomenon added, Site Map Update
18.07.11-15:00    18.07.11- 17:30  - Image sizing streamlined or reduced to conserve webspace - General 'clearout'
17.07.11-08:27    18.07.11- 17:30 -  Paragon: Transfered to another server, this site is linked via the main index page (webspace)
16.07.11-11:35    16.07.11-  20:30 -  Paragon: Two new poems added - General housekeeping, minor updates
14.07.11-18:00    14.07.11- 11.56 -   All: Problem with Website space, blocking some pages - aware and working on solution
09.07.11-            09.07.11-  18:54 -  Metal:  Added British Prime Ministers Timeline - Reduced Rocks/Min Pixel images
01.07.11-            01.07.11-  10:05 -  Space: Nibiru page layout changes, General Housekeeping, system checks
21.06.11-            22.06.11-  14:25 -  Space: Nibiru and the Sumerians, Anunnaki Civilisation - Videos 
17.06.11-            17.06.11-  15:02 -  Updated Space- Videos, Site Map
16.06.09-            16.06.11-  22:16 - Updated Anglo-Saxon Timeline-Site Map
11.06.11                              15:00 -  Deleted Forum - General housekeeping
06.06.11                              24:03-   New Sales Page - Coins PDF Files
23.05.11                              16:18 -  Metal Detecting ' Biblical Timeline'  project completed
22.05.11                               21:45-  Metal Detecting ' Biblical Timeline'  added work in progress
22.05.11                               21:45-  The Paragon Publication - back online
18.05.11                              02:10-   The Paragon Publication - Is Temporarily Suspended - maintenance
18.05.11                              18:24-   Further work pending to create server space  - start mid-next week
15.05.11                              22:02-   Added Anglo-Saxon & Viking Coins - Updated Menu and sitemap entries
15.05.11                              09:27-   Problems uploading videos to main server - software? solution found -three days
13.05.11                              22:45-   Added Menu page & content Garrett feature & promotion
07.05.11                              12:30-   General Introduction added to the main publication title pages
05.05.11                              05:09-   Links for Insurance Civil Liability Cover - NCMD membership-Insurance -Updates
03.05.11              03-           17:20  - New Agreement Template - NCMD membership-Insurance -  Menu Updates
03.05.11              03-           14:09  - New Feature - Space - UFO Video Documentries - Menu Updates
03.05.11              03-           11:40  - New Feature - Space - NASA Bulletins - Menu Updates
24.04.11              25-           13:35  - Updated Forensic Anthropolgy - Skeletal, Sitemap and Menu
24.04.11              24-           12:30  - Problem with receiving emails - link now rectified - Please continue your emails
17.04.11              17-           18:12  - System Down Sunday Due To A 'Slight' Problem - Now Corrected
16.04.11              16-15:12  -            Updates - Space - UFO Links, Menu, Sitemap Housekeeping
14.04.11              14-14:00  -            Updates - Metal Detecting - Personal Introduction, Agreement Menu
09.04.11              09-10:51  -            General housekeeping...
26.03.11              30-16:20  -            General updates - Viking timeline, Attire, Buckles...
25.03.11              25-01:30  -            Arrowheads Section Completion
24.03.11              24-22:40  -            Menus - Site Map Updated and Roman Oil Lamps Section Completion
23.03.11              23-15:40  -            Buckles Finds & Jug Identification Updates
23.03.11              24-01:00  -            Page text only, no images on some pages of Roman Coins  24.03.11
19.03.11              20-02:30  -            Roman Attire
19.03.11              20-02:30  -            Identification Roman Pottery - Further updated 23.03.11
12.03.11              19-22:45  -            Identification - Roman Coins  BC
12.03.11              19-22:45  -            Roman Timeline - At a Glance
13.03.11              13-           10:30  - Experimenting with colour coding on menus and sitemap
10.03.11              09-           23:00 -  Added, Identification - Buckles (7 Pages)
08.03.11              08-           18:40  - Periodic Table Update, includes new elements
21.02.11              21-           20:06  - Loss of page background visuals on all publications
21.02.11              18-           19:06  - Problem with pages background paper on Anthology publication  

No Further Records Available From Original Birth Date of the Website or Earlier Versions of the Website 2005 Up To 21.02.11
Six years of data loss mainly down to loss of data due to crashes or drive failures and failed recoveries
Note: New more reliable Back-Up devices are now in operation
Link repairs and a couple of text issues within Education Publication - parenting
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The Paragon Publications
Site Maintenance Log

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