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Expedition 48

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ISS Expeditions

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Expedition 49
Expedition 50
Expedition 51
Expedition 52
Expedition 53
Expedition 54
Expedition 55
Expedition 56
The 48th expedition to the International Space Station.
Expedition 48 is scheduled to begin upon the departure of Soyuz TMA-19M in June 2016 and conclude upon the departure of Soyuz TMA-20M in September of 2016.
Crew Members: Aleksey Ovchinin, Oleg Skripochka, Jeffrey Williams, Kathleen Rubins, Anatoli Ivanishin, Takuya Onishi.
International Space Station
Expedition 49 is scheduled to be the 49th expedition to the International Space Station.
Crew: Commander Anatoli Ivanishin. Flight Engineers: Kathleen Rubins, Takuya Onishi, Robers S. Kimbrough, Andrei Borisenko, and Sergey Ryzhikov
Expedition 50 is scheduled to be the 50th expedition to the International Space Station.
Expedition 51 is the 51st expedition to the ISS. Peggy Whitson, Oleg Novitskiy, and Thomas Pesquet will be transferred from Expedition 50. Fyodor Yurchikhin and Jack Fischer will launch on the Soyuz MS-04, bringing the crew total to 5.
Peggy Whitson is the intended commander of Expedition 51, the first woman to command two expeditions to the ISS, having previously commanded Expedition 16.
Expedition 52 is the 52nd expedition to the International Space Station. It officially began on June 2, 2017 10:47 UTC, with the undocking of Soyuz MS-03. Transfer of Command from Expedition 51 was done on June 1st, 2017.

Due to a decision to cut down the number of participating Russian cosmonauts in 2017, only two crew members were launched on Spyuz MS-04, which brought the ISS total crew down to five people. However, it was later decided that Peggy Whitson would stay on board longer, transferring from Expedition 51 to maintain a full crew of six astronauts over the summer, after the arrival of three new members on Soyuz MS-05.

Expedition 53 was the 53rd expedition to the International Space Station, which began upon the departure of Soyuz MS-04 on September 3, 2017 and concluded upon the departure of Soyuz MS-05 on December 14, 2017. Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli and Sergey Ryazansky were transferred from Expedition 52, with Randolph Bresnik taking the commander role. Transfer of Command from Expedition 53 to Expedition 54 was done on December 13, 2017. Expedition 53 officially ended on December 14, 2017 5:14 UTC, with the undocking of Soyuz MS-05.

Expedition 54 was the 54th expedition to the International Space Station, which began upon the departure of Soyuz MS-05 on December 17, 2017 and concluded upon the departure of Soyuz MS-06 on February 27, 2018. Alexander Misurkin, Mark Vande Hei and Joseph Acaba were transferred from Expedition 53, with Alexander Misurkin taking the commander role. Transfer of Command from Expedition 54 to Expedition 55 was done on February 26, 2018. Expedition 54 officially ended on February 27, 2018 23:08 UTC, with the undocking of Soyuz MS-06.
Expedition 55 was the 55th expedition to the International Space Station, which began upon the departure of Soyuz MS-06 on February 27, 2018. Anton Shkaplerov, Scott D. Tingle and Norishige Kanai were transferred from Expedition 54, with Anton Shkaplerov taking the commander role. Expedition 55 ended upon the departure of Soyuz MS-07 in June 2018.
Expedition 56 was the 56th expedition to the International Space Station, which began on 1 June 2018 upon the departure of Soyuz MS-07. Andrew Feustel, Oleg Artemyev, and Richard R. Arnold were transferred from Expedition 55, with Andrew Feustel taking the commander role. Alexander Gerst, Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor, and Sergey Prokopyev launched aboard Soyuz MS-09, on June 6, 2018. Expedition 56 ended with the departure of Soyuz MS-08 on 4 October 2018.
Expedition 57
Expedition 57 - Soyuz MS-09 crew, Alexander Gerst, Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor, and Sergey Prokopyev, since June 2018 aboard the ISS, were expected to be joined by Aleksey Ovchinin and Nick Hague in October 2018.The latter two crew members boarded Soyuz MS-10 on October 11, 2018, but the launch was aborted mid-flight due to a booster failure; the crew landed safely after a ballistic descent.

The impact of the Soyuz MS-10 failure and subsequent investigation on the ISS crew schedule was not initially clear. The Expedition 57 initial crew needed to depart by mid-December 2018 in Soyuz MS-09 due to the limited on-orbit lifespan of "about 200 days" of the Soyuz capsule, or no later than early January 2019 allowing for a small margin on the lifespan. NASA would have attempted to avoid de-crewing the ISS, commanding the station from the ground is feasible if necessary.

On 23 October 2018, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced that Soyuz flights to the ISS were expected to resume in December 2018. The Soyuz MS-11 spacecraft commanded by cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, carrying him and two flight engineers, Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques, was launched on December 3, 2018, marking the 100th orbital launch of the year; the Expedition 57 initial crew departed on December 20 and Expedition 58 started as a three-person increment.
Expedition 58 is the 58th expedition to the International Space Station, which began on December 20, 2018 with the departure of the Expedition 57 crew. It is commanded by cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, with astronauts Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques as flight engineers; the trio launched on board Soyuz MS-11 on December 3, 2018, marking the 100th orbital launch of the year.
Kononenko, McClain and Saint-Jacques will subsequently transfer to Expedition 59 in February 2019, when Aleksey Ovchinin, Nick Hague and Christina Koch arrive on board Soyuz MS-12
Expedition 58
Expedition 59
Expedition 59 is the 59th Expedition to the International Space Station, scheduled to start on 28 February 2019 with the arrival of the Soyuz MS-12 spacecraft carrying Aleksey Ovchinin, Nick Hague and Christina Koch. The three will subsequently transfer to the Expedition 60 crew, with Ovchinin as commander, after the un-docking of the Soyuz MS-11 spacecraft, scheduled for July 2019.
Crew Members:  Oleg Kononenko,  David Saint-Jacques,
Anne McClain,  Aleksey Ovchinin,  Nick Hague,
Christina Koch