Nigel G Wilcox
Paragon of Space
Nigel G Wilcox
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I have my Mission to Mars!
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The Paragon Of Metal Detecting
& Archaeology
Nigel G Wilcox
Space Cosmology
Designed by Nigel G Wilcox
Paragon Of Space Publications
The Paragon of Space is an extension of the original site and has been renamed to Paragon Publications. Initially designed as a personal resource and topics that personally interest me. The majority of topics are based on scientific research, however some topics may boarder on strange, whereby the science cannot give us an answer at this point in time. And thereby officially shelved or debunked by scientific and political establishments. These case files remain open for further research, sometimes behind closed doors. After discussing snippets of the topics, with friends and colleagues, many seem interested in the subjects hence the development of this publication.

All publications within this series are an aid to individuals or groups to search for the truth and encourage investigative discussion, preferably using a scientific approach to expand our knowledge, views and ideas to the environment around us.

Science is mainly the topic for discussion requiring sources of origin. Sources remain archived and confidential unless authorised to publish, however is left to the discretion of the synops. This allows for legitimate research and discussion to take place, without ridicule and 'loss of jobs'. Ideas or theories should be based on scientific protocol however, opportunities to explore ideas are encouraged, (even if the ideas sounds opinionated, far-fetched). As long as there are some forms of evidence or scientific grounding this will allow investigation by peers, amateurs and professionals, alike, anyone interested in researching or following the idea for collaboration and to expand our current scientific knowledge base.
I have my Mission to Mars!
Suggestions from the Synops are not necessarily a personal viewpoint and may be a suggested topic for discussion to further debate - the key is to encourage research? This site is independent and without affiliations to outside agencies and/or political, media or external  financial influence.
Information concerning the website Synops:

Nigel Wilcox was born in Sutton Coldfield, 1959, Warwickshire and now resides in the Bentley Heath area of Solihull, falling within the boundaries of Birmingham, West Midlands UK.

Educated in England, Nigel is a Post Graduate in Education and Professional Development and qualified in a number of disciplines. He enjoys exploring archeological and ancient histories, quantum theories and concepts, including space travel and planetary geology to name just a few interests.

If you wish to communicate with the synops,  or for a more personal in-depth discussions, please use the email address provided.

I hope you find this site useful.
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