Anton Shkaplerov Ros
(Third Spaceflight)  Exp. 65/66






The Soyuz Space  Missions

Soyuz 151 MS-19 
Courtesy: - The Telegraph - Sarah Knapton 29.06.19

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Soyuz MS-19

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Klim Shipenko Film -The Challenge
Yulia Peresild Film -The Challenge
Landing Crew: Pyotr Dubrov, Roscosmos
Exp. 64/65/66 First spaceflight
First spaceflight
Mark T. Vande Hei, NASA Exp. 64/65/66
Second spaceflight
Backup Crew: Commander:  Oleg Artemyev, Roscosmos
Spaceflight participant:  Aleksey Dudin
Spaceflight participant:  Alena Mordovina
The Soyuz MS-19 crew ship and the Prichal docking module
Soyuz MS-19 is a Soyuz spaceflight launched on 5 October 2021, at 08:55:02 UTC. Soyuz MS-19 is the 147th flight of a crewed Soyuz spacecraft. The crew consisted of Russian commander Anton Shkaplerov, Russian film director Klim Shipenko and Russian actress Yulia Peresild. Shipenko and Peresild spent about twelve days on the International Space Station before returning to Earth aboard Soyuz MS-18, while filming a movie in space, Vyzov (Russian: Вызов, lit. 'The Challenge'). The flight launched three crew members of the Expedition 66. Without an American astronaut, this launch marked the first time in more than 21 years (since Soyuz TM-30 in 2000) that a Soyuz crew only included Russian cosmonauts and travelers and the ship had to be upgraded to be piloted by a single person at launch
The ISS flight manifest drafted by Roskosmos in the fall of 2020 set the launch of the Prichal module for 24 November 2021, with docking at Nauka's nadir port two days later. The Prichal module will become the second addition to the Russian Orbital Segment (ROS) in 2021. One port on Prichal is equipped with an active hybrid docking port, which enables docking with the Nauka module. The remaining five ports are passive hybrids, enabling docking of Soyuz and Progress vehicles, as well as heavier modules and future spacecraft with modified docking systems. This will enable the Russian Orbital Segment to operate on its own after 2024.

To complete the integration of the UM Prichal into the Russian segment, cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Petr Dubrov will perform a spacewalk to lay cables between Nauka and Prichal. This spacewalk is scheduled on 19 January 2022. This spacewalk will be followed by a second spacewalk (by Anton Shkaplerov) planned for early in the fourth quarter of 2021. Six additional spacewalks will follow through 2022 to complete the integration of the Nauka and Prichal modules into the Russian Orbital Segment
(First Spaceflight) (Participant)               
(Second Spaceflight)  Exp. 64/65/66