The Shenzhou Space Craft Data
The Orbital Module
Contains space for experiments, crew-serviced or operated equipment, and in-orbit habitation. Without docking systems, Shenzhou 1-6 carried different kinds of payload on the top of their orbital modules for scientific experiments.

Up until Shenzhou 8, the orbital module of the Shenzhou was equipped with its own propulsion, solar power, and control systems, allowing autonomous flight. It was possible for Shenzhou to leave an orbital module in orbit for redocking with a later spacecraft, something which the Soyuz cannot do since the only hatch between orbital and reentry modules is a part of reentry module, and orbital module is depressurized after separation. In the future it is possible that the orbital module(s) could also be left behind on the planned Chinese project 921/2 space station as additional station modules.

In the unmanned test flights launched to date, the orbital module of each Shenzhou was left functioning on orbit for several days after the reentry modules return, and the Shenzhou 5orbital module continued to operate for six months after launch.
Complete spacecraft data
Total mass: 7,840 kg
Length: 9.25 m
Diameter: 2.80 m
Span: 17.00 m
Orbital module data
Design life: 200 days.
Length: 2.80 m (9.10 ft).
Maximum diameter: 2.25 m (7.38 ft).
Span: 10.40 m (34.10 ft).
Habitable volume: 8.00 m³.
Mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).
RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 16 x 5 N.
RCS Propellants: Hydrazine.
Electrical system: Solar panels, 12.24 m².
Electric system: 0.50 average kW.
Electric system: 1.20 kWh.
Re-entry module data
Crew size: 3.
Design life: 20 days.
Length: 2.50 m (8.20 ft).
Basic diameter: 2.52 m (8.26 ft).
Maximum diameter: 2.52 m (8.26 ft).
Habitable volume: 6.00 m³.
Mass: 3,240 kg (7,140 lb).
Heat shield mass: 450 kg (990 lb)
RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 8 x 150 N.
RCS Propellants: Hydrazine
Service module data
Design life: 20 days.
Length: 2.94 m (9.65 ft).
Basic diameter: 2.50 m (8.20 ft).
Maximum diameter: 2.80 m (9.10 ft).
Span: 17.00 m (55.00 ft).
Mass: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 8 x 150 N.
RCS Fine No x Thrust: 16 x 5 N.
RCS Propellants: N2O4/MMH, unified system
with main engine.
Main engine: 4 x 2500 N.
Main engine thrust: 10.000 kN (2,248 lbf).
Main engine propellants: N2O4/MMH.
Main engine propellants: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
Main engine Isp: 290 sec. L/D Hypersonic:
Electrical system: Solar panels, 24.48 + 12.24
m², 36.72 m² total.
Electric system: 1.00 average kW.
Electric system: 2.40 kWh.
Re-entry Module
The re-entry module  is located in the middle section of the spacecraft and contains seating for the crew. It is the only portion of Shenzhou which returns to Earth's surface. Its shape is a compromise between maximizing living space while allowing for some aerodynamic control upon reentry.
Service module
The aft service module contains life support and other equipment required for the functioning of Shenzhou. Two pairs of solar panels, one pair on the service module, the other pair on the orbital module, have a total area of over 40 m² (430 ft²), indicating average electrical power over 1.5 kW (Soyuz have 1.0 kW).
The Shenzhou Spacecraft Data
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