Launch Vehicle HTV Data
As part of our research on the next-generation solid propellant rocket, we plan to reduce the cost by a third of that for the former M-V Launch Vehicle. However, we are not only thinking about cost reductions. Our ultimate goal is to lower hurdles to space by developing a space transportation system suitable for a new age and by making rocket launches much simpler. Additionally, we will be able to meet the wide range of demands for rocket launches by operating the H-IIA and H-IIB Launch Vehicles as well.

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Jaxa Approach for Mission Success
About Epsilon Launch Vehicle
Carrying on Tradition While Continuing Innovation
The Epsilon Launch Vehicle is a solid-fuel rocket designed to lower the threshold to space hitherto regarded as “special” and usher in an age in which everyone can make active use of space. Under the banner of “the world’s most compact launch”, JAXA has sought to streamline assembly, inspection and other operations and to renovate the entire launch system, spanning operations, equipment and airframes. Ingenious approaches have been taken to reduce vibration and noise as well as to buffer shocks during satellite separation from the rocket in order to achieve a world-class ride. Four Epsilon Launch Vehicles have been launched from the Uchinoura Space Center, all successfully.

From experimental models to enhanced launch vehicles
Technologies from the H-IIA and M-V rockets were carried over to save time and cut development costs. M-V launch control operations were revamped and mobile control introduced to renovate the operational and equipment dimensions of rocket launch procedures. Following the successful launch of an experimental model, further improvements were undertaken to optimize rocket airframe performance. These enhancements were completed with Epsilon-2 and Epsilon-3.

Epsilon-4 featured a simultaneous launch of multiple satellites, establishing the technology for accurately inserting individual satellites into their respective orbits. This technology was developed to make the Epsilon Launch Vehicle internationally competitive in the launch market for mini-/micro-satellites and CubeSats, where demand is expected to expand globally.

From enhanced launch vehicles to Epsilon S
Technological advances in miniaturization and integration have spurred launch demand for mini-/micro-satellites and CubeSats in satellite launch markets inside and outside Japan. Created to meet this demand, the new “Epsilon S Launch Vehicle Project” aims to expand the scale of Japan’s space transport industry by transferring the Epsilon Launch Vehicle program to the private sector and developing it into an autonomous and sustainable transport system. An Epsilon S demonstration launch is tentatively scheduled for FY2023.
Epsilon User Manual
Epsilon Launch Rocket
Appendix A
PAF-937M Interface
Appendix B
Lightband Interface
Appendix C
E-SSOD Interface
Appendix D
Dat Book of Launch Site Facilities Epsilon LV
Courtesy Jaxa
Jan. 18, 2019
Successfully of Epsilon-4 Launch With The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-1 Aboard
At 9:50:20 a.m. (Japan Standard Time) January 18, 2019 JAXA launched Epsilon-4, the Fourth Epsilon launch vehicle With The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-1.

From the JAXA Uchinoura Space Centre. The launch occurred on time. The launch and flight of Epsilon-4 took place normally. Approximately 51 minutes 55 seconds into the flight, the separation of "The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-1" proceeded, with confirmation as successful.

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