Nigel G Wilcox
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Apollo Landings?
Government Manipulation?
Apollo Moonlandings
Apollo's 18,19 & 20?
Space Hoax
You make up your own mind by further researching the facts...
The Truth Behind Apollo 18
Courtesy: by Nighthawk
Frames from the ?Apollo 20 flyover?
on a presumed alien spaceship, on the backside of the Moon - source: footage added on YouTube by "retiredadfb" and taken by the LM-15 (Phoenix) crew
before the descent.
Some believe Apollo 17 had a close encounter on the lunar surface and that astronaut Gene Cernan’s moon speech was more of a plea and a promise:
“I’m on the surface; and, as I take man’s last step from the surface, back home for some time to come — but we believe not too long into the future — I’d like to just [say] what I believe history will record. That America’s challenge of today has forged man’s destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17.”
Apollo 18: The Apollo 18 mission was launched to discover what happened to the cosmonaut spaceship. The cosmonaut ship was exploring the dark side of the moon, so Apollo 18 planned to land there. A team of 4 was sent as part of a joint US/Russian cooperating mission. When the capsule approached the moon it began to see the light flashes which it discovered were coming from the potential crash site. A team of 3 landed on the moon to discover a crashed and disassembled Russian Spaceship. The crew researched for hours before the remaining crew member aboard the ship lost contact. The last thing he heard from the main ship was screaming and an obvious struggle. He then fled with the ship back to earth, leaving the rest of the crew on the lunar surface with no hope for return.
Apollo 19 was immediately launched in hopes of retrieving the remaining crew. It was believed they might be able to survive long enough in the lunar lander for a rescue mission to be possible. What they discovered was a disassembled lunar lander and no bodies. They managed to retrieve the research equipment, including cameras, before immediately leaving the moon.
The cameras showed a large ship docked on the dark side of the moon and Apollo 20 was launched to get a better look. The Apollo 20 footage has since been leaked.
Apollo 18 will scare people but not as much as it should. It’s a baby conspiracy that is long overdue for mainstream attention which it will now get. If not maybe it can settle for an Oscar. After all many believe NASA employees have the best Hollywood effects, plots and acting in the world!
Unofficial Apollo CIA Missions?
The Paragon Alternative History And Science