Nigel G Wilcox
An Introduction Mermaids
   The Paradigm shift

Mermaids - Do They Exist?
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Nigel G Wilcox

Do Mermaids exist? It seems they do. For hundreds of years sailors and indiginous tribes living close to shorelines passed down stories until the stories became folklore. Until now! Within the last decade, scientists are now seeing evidence of these "ancestral creatures"? Could they be our ancestors, another branch of the human line?
It is believed we originate from the seas and lakes, could we be seeing a link to those that chose to remain within the sea or us, the line that diversified, due to environmental changes, choosing the land?

Here is some compelling evidence that this may be the case. One can also ask the question: " Should we investigate further or should we leave them alone?'' Consider the damage already done to our oceans and the land. The agencies that keep these discoveries secret, is it for their protection or ours?   Or is it an opportunity for those agencies developing further technologies for destruction of humanity?

View the following documentry and decide for yourselves and perhaps ask yourself, "Are the Humans on this planet worth trusting; to play nicely with other species on this planet, so far there is not much evidence for that?" Can we be described like a bacteria that spreads like a cancer over the planet destroying anything that gets in its way, can we identify with that, as a possible yes?

Watch the following video documentry and make up you own mind. Perhaps this subject needs to be investigated further and possibly protected from those wishing to exploit or hide information from mankind?
The Paragon Alternative History And Science