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More Indepth notes on Metals
Source: Bibliography
Geological Rocks & Minerals
Designed by Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: M10
Photographs Courtesy :Calvin J Hamilton
Non-Commercial Reseach Identification
Non-Commercial Research Identification
Meteorite, Chondrite
Name: Olivenza - Stone, Chondrite ( Ordinary, LL) Meteorite
Location: Badajoz, Spain
Date: 2007
This meteorite fell in 1924. Notice the depreessions on this sample. These are called regmaglypts and are most likely paralled to the air flow direction during the flight of the meteorite.
Name: Coby - Stone, Chondrite (Ordinary, L) Meteorite
Location: Clark County, Wisconsin
Date: 2007
This meteorite fell in 1917. It contains small flecks of metal.
Name: Peekhill - Stone, Chondrite (Ordinary, H) Meteorite
Location: Westchester County, New York
Date: 2007
This meteorite is famous for the fact that when it fell on October 9, 1992 it destroyed the trunk of a car in Westchester County, New York.
Name: Lost City Stone, Chondrite (H) Meteorite
Location: Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Date: 2007
This meteorite was collected from Cherokee County, Oklahoma. It fell in 1970. This meteorite is subclassed as H Group or an olivine-bronzite chondrite.
Name: Mezo-Madaras Stone, Chondrite (L) Meteorite
Location: Harghita, Romania
Date: 2007
This meteorite was collected from Harghita, Romania. It fell in 1852. This meteorite is subclassed as L Group or an olivine-hypersthene chondrite.
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