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Looking at Education today, one Perspective...
Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
Learning Difficulties   L.D.H.D

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder will usually have a short attention span and are easily distracted, and may also be hyperactive and impulsive. These symptoms are usually noticed before she is seven years old and occur in more than one setting, for example both at home and at school.

Typical symptoms of hyperactivity include being fidgety or on the go, always moving some part of their body, swinging their legs, tapping their fingers, or rocking their chair, etc. Children with ADHD may also have a short attention span, mainly because they are very easily distracted and have hard time focusing on things and staying on task. They may, however be able to focus on something that they are really interested in, or on activities that are always changing, such as playing video games. Being impulsive, children with ADHD may also do and say things without really thinking about them and without considering the consequences of their actions.

There are different types of ADHD. Children with ADHD who have a short attention span, hyperactivity and who are impulsive are said to have a combined type of ADHD. Children may also have inattentive ADHD, with just the short attention span, or a predominantly hyperactive/impulsive ADHD with just the hyperactivity and/or impulsivity.

It is important to remember that ADHD is not the only medical condition that can cause the above symptoms. Children with anxiety, depression or a learning disability can also have a short attention span and be hyperactive and/or impulsive.
Your Pediatrician or school psychologist can interview and test your child for ADHD and come up with a treatment plan to help her succeed.

Classroom Behaviour
Improving Performance
Learning Difficulties  [2-2]
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