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A Personal Introduction - Review 2023
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As for employers, let’s just say there are mixed abilities and can vary on a sliding scale, greatly. There are many that don’t have qualifications or have taken other possible routes ‘learnt on the hop’, or ‘by the seat of their pants,’ (to coin a couple of phrases), or they had been side-lined, based on not being suitable for promotion, some through incompetence, or through missed opportunities due to life events, some may have worked their way up to gain their practical experience and have been assisting their bosses and are seen to be useful, dependable where they are, and therefore blocked from further advancement. One can appreciate the value of the latter candidate as they have followed a form of apprenticeship from the bottom to the top, (many today will not have the patience for this route as it requires dedication to seek and identify the right openings and opportunities as and when they show themselves, more importantly, for their bosses to address and recognise their hard work can be far and few between. Self-motivation as an employee to strike out is also required to accomplish one’s medium to long term aspirations, as one can become just as easily too comfortable. Time is not always on our side; opportunities are missed and sometimes there are no second chances. Others, just jumping into a position without a full background knowledge or experience is feasible and can be foolhardy, (as we can see today with those choosing to be on the left side of e.g., politics or in the media with exploding pockets of money and ego with let’s just say, dubious habits or hobbies that could get them arrested, but what is evident to most, with very little work towards nourishing their grey matter, many admitting they were educational dropouts, they suffered e.g. ADAD or OCD or other unfortunate acronyms…ending up at times with having disastrous results. There is also the self-entitlement attitude based on the fact their characters are loved and of course their acting personas are an extension of themselves and they are whom the personify. These individuals in question have money, so they feel their words are above everyone else. The evidence is there for everyone to see, especially when they become the political voice for one cause or another, what did they do before? Oh! They were a glass collector, cleaned cars, served tables. (Nothing wrong with that either, but it doesn’t make them a brain surgeon or a physicist a manager or supervisor if the schooling is not there does it) …

There are those individuals that are carried by personality, this can be positive or negative in terms of overinflated egos, (examples of professions as previously mentioned), they can become delusional when it comes to their abilities, as they feel they can rewrite the rules to suit their circumstances, (many have done this and ended up in prison, or become outcasts and this can affect all social classes especially when it comes  to such things as rewriting morals, outlining what can or cannot be manipulated, deleting or cancelling  conscience when things get difficult for them or to do away with altogether and suggesting a woke style breakdown…  Many employers and in some cases employees once in position, prefer the sheep and herding method of control. (Another reason the ‘Woke,’ liking the concept of Communism or as commonly known today a Socialist approach to life).  As a boss, having followers; it’s easier for them to control. As an employee it can be easier just to follow. One must not underestimate those that lead via ego, (they have an image of themselves totally different to what others may perceive them as being, they wear an invisible mask however; some also have a dream, (possibly Hitler did in 1939 before World War II, so did Putin in 2022) motivated by that dream (possibly a ‘Walter Mitty’ as delusional Character).

There are some of us with dreams and are seeking our ultimate golden ticket for a better lifestyle and future! We are all looking for that. (Unfortunately; the prior examples are exposed to us for all to see e.g. We only have to see our politicians today to understand this, a grabbed opportunity at someone else’s expense, or an opportunity given on the platter because they were born into the aristocracy, whilst; for the likes of us ‘Minions’ a survival mechanism or of self-preservation tactics are the order of the day.  For many of us it can be a short-cut, based upon impatience or down to a short-term of office tenure and what can be done in the given time) … These elements or the combination of all that has been mentioned are required within the business or commercial world, it is considered as being part of the contents of one’s career toolbox, where money is ‘King’ or classed as a ‘Divinity. If a businessman suggest they are ‘honest’, one needs to be very wary of them, they either lack knowledge of the business world, or lack knowledge, education, experience or a moral foundation, they may be delusional, or even narcissistical, for an honest businessman does not exist, no such animal! The word honesty is a word chosen at random from a dictionary, it is chosen so one can feel better within one’s conscience. If they do really believe they are honest, they will not be in business for long or to be able to get anything done, as honest rules can grey out the machinery or process for profit or gain. It is a bureaucratic red tape minefield and this does not apply to those in the know and they can and will dodge or circumvent these obstacles! … (in this case it is what you know, it is who you know)! The world has been pre-programmed over millennia to accept certain behaviours, rules and practices, especially for those in business or anywhere one is to make money, it stated with bartering and has become a sophisticated art form. The name of the game and emphasis is: ‘Don’t get caught or one will pay the ultimate price, especially if you don’t know anybody’… (hence we see today, bias judges, bureaucrats and media sources to name a few) and there will be no one in your corner, another case of learning to be be streetwise and self-aware as self-preservation or survival of the fittest becomes paramount.  

So, what are qualifications worth to those that seek them?  As previously suggested, they are just pieces of paper, with a glorified title and a name on it, nothing more and nothing less, however; the powers that be decided to give it some value, a little like money, they can be considered to be a form of currency, but with a sliding value. To an employer, they can vary and change their value according to an employer’s needs; remembering the rules were written by those with ‘power,’ and according to what an employer can get away with, concerning the job that is on offer, the first and major consideration is an employee’s value and salary. Some businesses may be required to pay for the prestige of someone being ‘qualified’. On the other hand, an employer may not have any qualification themselves and it can become a situation of their self-preservation in terms of: ‘They see you as being more qualified than they’! They will consider you as a potential competition, someone after their job perhaps?’ This is a common scenario and therefore is an academic exercise that will unofficially bar any potential employee from the job… This of course works from the very top, down as designed.

I consider the following as important. To those that collect or have qualifications as if like collecting postage stamps, it is a means for one, to perhaps measure or gauge one’s self-worth, personal attainment, working level, mostly for the sake of personal satisfaction of achievement. By accomplishing certain levels, one can ascertain it was not just down to a fluke, according to one’s own ability. (As long as the sliding scale is at the set level by the status quo, it can work for you in a minute way as to possibly be recognised by non-corrupt organisations for the reasonable period of time, (preferably for one’s working lifetime; if lucky!) as a fair means of evaluation for a course of study accomplished. This is until one is required to update them of course, (this process of updating, helps the aristocracy or blinkered Civil Servants to bump up their coffers through taxes to improve or replace over expenditures or if private, an increase in their coffers, bottom line and lifestyles, or unwarranted salary rises; as there is usually a shortfall of government funding, it can also reflect politician parties views on what value they place on qualifications on the whole; amongst the ’lower classes of society such as …us Minion’s!’ (We should also note: There are those from the top three universities within the UK of course, they can offer places to foreign students that can also bring in wealth, reducing space for potentially home-grown talent that would require higher salaries, lessoning the Government Coffers and GDP. There are also wealthy families in the UK that can also be cannibalised by the system if it means survival is necessary by certain establishments or institutions to protect traditions.

Qualifications are placed into the national consciousness as being valuable, according to the trends of the day, (however, compared to other countries, courses and qualifications are issued as if like confetti, in the UK to help blur the lines as to encourage further income via the establishment with ‘Bums on Seats. Quality as we use to know it, has become rare and is questionable with those having a conscience.  Qualifications are to suit the trends at the time of need; such as for income, not for the employee but for the employer and they become acceptable form of currency amongst one’s peers, as the ‘golden ticket’ or piece of paper and is the potential key to ‘Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory’, it opens a door to potential opportunity, that is; if one’s face fits within the organisation interviewing you, via or to include one’s personality and good character.  Hopefully, to become an Umpalumpa, the qualification, or study is of a good standard and one can work up from floor-sweeper to teamaker, provided one does not ‘rock the boat’ and conforms to the unwritten rules. During this journey, an employee can learn to also be a ‘confidante’, this is expected and an employer’s ideal. This is considered as a valuable asset or an attribute one is not normally taught within the syllabus; for those with experience and are better informed of an understanding of life, (we refer to our elders for this…) a valuable attribute; as this is a fundamental foundation lesson for any new employee ‘‘character’, towards the value and safety of the main hub of communications.’ The attribution to: ‘Trust’, ‘loyalty and honesty, these are important and an employer will present the tokens of reward such as small incentives i.e. ‘Best employee of the Month’ certificate, possibly a small bonus to be spent on company products… The Boss does not want to experience the trepidation of a repeat in history in the case of ‘Julius Caeser’, receiving ‘a knife in one’s back’,
during a normal working day, as this does not make for a good day! honest person into a dishonest one, albeit to help outwit those without qualifications, racing towards one’s bounty for better prospects and lifestyle. Let’s just say it can give someone an edge no-matter how minute, ….