Previous Cars Owned to Date...
Someone, quite recently asked me what other cars have I owned thinking I had always had performance cars, I said no, most cars were just the car I could afford at the time, after begging or borrowing and scraping together....
Most, if not all; cars I have owned in the past!
Some of the following are not the actual pictures of the car, but as close as one can get to the model and colour:
Click Cover For Chapters
June 23.06.18
Nigel G Wilcox
Nigel G Wilcox
Powered bby S-AM3l1A
Z3 2002 Engine 2.2
5 Speed Manual
My Diary Of An
Nigel G Wilcox
My Diary Of An
Ford Cortina Mk1 - Reg: GOV...D My first car had a creamy white roof and was slightly in better condition than this one. You can just about see mine in the background of the next photo, I had it for a couple of years renovating it, this began my interest in renovations. I later loaned it to my brother and unfortunately he wrote it off, sent it through a high advertising billboard, how he did that one can only image..he walked away with no injuries, shame I could not say the same for the car...family huh!:
Don't laugh, I was in my youth then, also had some weird hair too! This photo was taken around 1977-80ish...
The Ford Cortina Mk3 1972 I had a custom chrome 5' large bore side pipe on the driver'side. Yep! Stopped by the Police a few times because of the DB's, they were also into cars too! This photo I have kept from years ago!
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