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Purchase Reviews
FOXWELL NT650Elite OBD2 Diagnostic Scanner EPB AT BMS DPF ABS SRS Oil Reset Tool
Note: One recommends reading the diary first and then linking to workshop notes to maintain the continuity of the theme...
Foxwell NT650 Elite enjoy lifetime free update online, no need to pay for the update.
Upgrade guidence step:
1. Go to the Foxwell official website:Choose your product ,Under the page,click the Download,then download FoxScanner
Installer.zip update clients software.
2. Register foxwell account and complete the related information at FoxScanner client software .
3. Plug SD memery card into card reaqder and connect with your Windows laptop or PC.
4. Fill in the S/N number and password then you can register your machine successful.
5. Update:click ''My updates'',select the correct S/N of your product,and click ''update'' button.
6. Wait several minuts, update will be done, enjoy new software.
So, what is the price of this unit? It does vary depending where one looks, one needs to be careful as there are cheap copies out there. However, depending on the year of manufacture one can pick up this particular unit from £130 to yes the price of around £400+ this particular one is averagely priced and is from a British outlet Glenfield UK - (China - QUANZHOU KUNYAO TRADING CO LTD VAT number: GB 346611602 so, one suggests caution, be careful...) Do check out the reviews before purchase via eBay. There is good contact information on this one i.e.Phone:17133782617 Email:catchthebee@outlook.com
Do also note: Some reset and diagnosis functions may not function and is only appropriate to a number of vehicles listed or limited. Your purchased unit may only operate based on the more popular or later models from your vehicle year - further research is definitely required to what is the most suitable unit for your particular vehicle model and year. Bearing this in mind, the 650 can be upgraded, however one should source the available units that cover your vehicle model, ask the seller before purchase.
Foxwell NT650 Elite OBDII
Good Value?
Note: This particular supplier - Chinese equivalent
£168.25(free EcDelp&p)
@Supplier: catchbee2019
Viewed: 27.12.20
Note: Check that the unit is Not Fake when ordering, as Foxwell will not cover your purchase for defects if or when that it may arises.
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Note: There will be entries within the diary and workshop to explain some of the background purchases, some maybe based on cosmetics, or spur of the moment purchases and not necessarily vital to the renovation. However; some items may be purchase recommendation only; for this particular model of vehicle or workshop, however deemed as a good purchase deal within the opinion of the author, recommendations are based on one's perspective, opinion based on research, previous use or personal experience of use on or off site and deemed by the author to be a good purchase at the time....
Working Tools Not for Loan or Sale