Nigel G Wilcox
Maintenance Project On A Shoestring
The Diary Comment  on  Electric Cars
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I have just noticed an email that caught my eye asking me a question on electric cars... I couldn't resist:

Someone asked me, 'What did I think about electric cars?' I have thought about this question and all I could think of is the injustice of it all and it all starts with the political arena. It is not the car or the concept itself of electric vehicles, it is really down to the way we as so-called free, democratic people of the UK have been sold the idea and the methods adopted to enforcement the idea, this is down to political incompetence of the elected and the acceptance of those that are unaccountable. They are prepared to go down on bended knee, for short-sighted causes only to see they have made another wrong decision without understanding the TRUE facts, it is now a trend. We are being pushed into this programme in the days of turmoil, (a list too many to mention) by so called 'eco-warrior's', politicians or from those in the shadows having malicious intent by controlling their government puppets and society in general, short, medium to long term and we also all know it is just down to  PROFIT, to massage their personal lifestyles. It is really taking the P~~# springs to mind everytime, because they can they will and are, just looking out for number one.

My reply to this idea of electric cars is, great! If these electric cars work well and not burst into flames, or the electrics in general doesn't go down after a month or so. They seem to have good acceleration, pleasant looking exterior and interior,  however; travelling from A to B can and does promote anxiety, through not knowing if one can get from A to B on a particular charge. My mind goes back to my Mazda RX 8 for some reason...(yes I know it is fossil fuelled and only one particular model, a beautiful looking car, in my opinion, but for the engine, a great concept, but on a practical level, a money pit! This is  based on its life duration and constant maintenance, however; the concept of the rotary engine was good and it has been around for decades,  it seemed no one had, had the foresight of sorting out the commonly known bugs, before deciding to go into production. (something I cannot believe).  I was new to these so called bugs and due to lack of research,  I ended up owning them collectively. Again, like the electric car, I could see I could have anxiety as to whether I could get from A to B  and  with the RX8, this was down to the engines excessive fuel and oil consumption and not forgetting multiple seal failures rather an electric supply. (Fortunately, a manufacturer has now redesigned the rotary engine for the 21st Century, too little, too late unfortunately,  it was my favourite car when it worked, it was upsetting at the time like all personal purchases or long term cons via the manufacturer, one felt violated, for me at least as it was also a challenge for maintenance, but that overcharged emotion and experience does run thin after a while; as it would for the electric car), the concept of electric cars today are generally a con in it's present form, as it was with the RX8 regardless to fossil or electric engines or motors. Like most products globally,  it is all about the bottom line or profit and what the manufacturers can get away with, we live in a throw away and corrupt society, manipulated by politicians and big manufacturers, coincidence?

We know, if one does some research that there is no serious proof of earth self-annihilating itself to destruction through global warming and if there is, we cannot do anything about it based on the scale and technology needed to sort it all out and knowing our kind, this would end us all, for definiate. We also know the earth does go through these phases of heating up and cooling down over millionaire; (it is down to humans not seeing the process in full to appreciate the likes of nature, as with most planets within our Solar System, as part of their cycles there are cause and effect, we only have to look at the scientific evidence from reliable sources to know this if they have not been deliberately hidden).  The Earth is a  living planet, it breathes like you and I and it has it's circulatory system, (just ask the question, how many volcanos are there and how much toxic gases do they emit into the atmosphere? What can we do about them? We must also be aware we also need them. How long have these processes been going on for? All planets go through cycles and the earth is no exception. The earth does also go through a process of reinventing itself, one can describe it as self-healing to a point,  it has accustomed itself whether humans are here or not and it will do as needs must. (don't believe me?  Dismiss the idea without researching it, only fools do that). I  don't trust so-called government scientists, or politicians, especially after the Covid-19 parse and the ways scientists have gone about trying to securing their funding, questionable in itself, and can be profitable for some,  it is the case of telling scientists to jump and of course their reply will be  'how high or how much?' This is their  way to be granted their funding, so projects such as epidemics and global warming will also be manipulated...get the drift?

As to the fossil and electric cars, they are not volcanos and the idea shrinks in comparison as to electric cars toxic gasses, they do both have a large footprint on the environment, some will say the electric has a bigger footprint to fossil fuel cars, based on the  batteries when it comes to recycling or landfill at the end of life and the potential of poisoning groundwork and water tables, there are many cars and components that are proving to be very expensive in addition to using valuable precious earth metals or resources and not many electric cars can or will be found in the scrapyards today, so far; due to the newness of them. The one's that are, are rare and most likely are burnt out crumpled shells, distorted in all ways, by the furnace the batteries have created when short circuiting. So, cloning or even pulling out a dent or two of bodywork is out of the question, as with most computer designed cars nowadays. What happens when one needs to replace the batteries or other components? What about the recycling aspect? Where do the old ones go? How much for the replacements or off-the-shelf parts if any? Can the parts be exchanged? At what cost? Will it need specialised fitting or can you or I fit them? How long will the warranty last? (joke). One must also conclude there is the problem of  not having enough charging points nationwide and the charging leads are not universal or are a miss-match? Garages will have a field day trying to maintain them, that's if they can, or are even allowed to be trained outside the dealership or manufacturers? Most likely, electric cars will have to be maintained by the dealership, EXPENSIVE!

Those that have bought fossil fuel cars or electric cars today, will find themselves forced to pay out extortionate prices for their new replacement cars, within the short, medium or long term future, that's if they can afford them, (Has anyone seen the prices of fossil fuelled second hand cars recently?) Government have already started the restricting process of supply and the increased manipulation and propaganda, mainly to to reduce fossil fuelled cars on the roads, the bonus for them is it reduces ownership of vehicles; it also reduces individuals of personal independence. (One can and does wonder, which MP or politician will benefit by profiting from this programme and there is no doubt, they will!). Electric cars are not really the average affordability item for many households, 'currently,' (pardon the pun). In addition to this, a recent announcements made by politicians and media, (again if they can be trusted) also suggests; we  will have 'limiters' placed on all new manufactured cars, this is  down to the EU, as an excuse to reduce speeds, (again no surprise there!)  (So much for Brexit independence huh!). In addition to this, we will still have to pay premium insurance, road tax, fuel/electric consumption tax.  No real benefits to us the 'peasants'?

We will be having a replacement PM, (6th September 2022) they have suggested that they will be increasing motorway speeds to 'unlimited?' That is Great! I hear some of you say, so, what is going on here? This is down to limiters being introduced.  No doubt there won't be any need for speed limits if we have limiters in all electric automated cars, that is logical, I suppose! Driving will no doubt be monitored, controlled via software and can be updated according to Government or civil service desk jockies linked to licensed or manufactures and overseen by the governments. Welcome to China CCP and the Soviet Union. 

All fossil fuels for vehicles will most likely be banned by 2035, if not sooner, mainly to force diehard fossil fuel drivers like you and I, (I may be deceased by then and therefore, will most likely not have to worry about it;)  to be forced into purchasing electric cars. So there goes the joys of motoring and another hobby and enjoyment that joins an ever increasing list of restrictions and cancellations, that politicians seem to be determined to show their vindictiveness towards, the like of you and I, as to enforce it on to the British Citizen, they constantly and deliberately forget easily, that we pay their wages. (however, they are still getting away with it!) These decisions are based around egotistical narcissism in my book, adding global 'gaslighting' with further 'cancellations' nothing more, nothing less. A process of brainwashing the taxpayer. Those on a higher incomes will obviously benefit more, through their stake or involvement by devising new expense sources forced on to 'Mr or Mrs average', as the 'elite' or just wealthy and dumb power seekers, are able to afford new electric cars and will also be able to maintain them. People like you and I will not be able to afford this as it is a privlidge, as we are priced out of the market and not forgetting we are excluded from this human right - choice.  It will be beyond our reach and we will be cancelled. This will definitely lower the number of cars on the road, until the wealthy start losing their money and they will have a need for us to again, financially top them-up. Money; has been wasted or embezzled by politicians, big business and banks, these type of schemes are designed to create a safety net for them, just look at the banks in recent years,  to cover their incompetence or 'political, malicious and deliberate so called mistakes,' we all know it is theft from the likes of us, the UK taxpayers, only to meet 'their' bottom line of profit or sticking plaster. Sadly, again; nothing new there then?...

I hope this has answered your question, (Mr Anonymous) perhaps a little political and possibly cynical,   I could write a book on our 'political injustices', I may just do that in a new publication..'.The Paragon News Stand',  not a bad title...
Question Time...  and my opinion for what it's worth...