Chapter Six
Liberals started on this memorable day
As the politicians began to bray...
Under controlled conditions, they were set on their mark
And Clegg apologised, well that was the start...
Milibands Labour suggested to the blue,
Cameron was reminiscent living history adjure...
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 04/04/15
Political Turmoil
The Welsh and the Scottish were selling their wares...
The Green Party surer of her script and stares...
And Fararge with feet on the ground with a stance,
The message "Control Immigration it’s a parse" ...
Stop overseas aid to countries in plight,
Remember our own countrymen are first insight...
The political correct, like a switch being flicked...
Attacked by the Welsh because it was politically correct!
That we are paying for treatments of those with Aids...
Their countries buying arms or politics estranged...
Ashamed or not it is the facts,
Our National Health is being attacked!
Stop Foreign Aid, we pay for the tasks...
Putting the rest of the world right as we show our lily white ass!
Cameron suggested we need to look at....
Oversee countries and EEC fact.
A possible referendum in the year dot...
Allowing us to renegotiate but Ms Merkel is not!
However, many of them are not of this world...
With the millionaires and those of the Eaton Clubs!
How on earth do we consider the parties of the red and blue?
When they don't think of me or you!
What we need is a change for the common man...
Not the media brainwash of the powers that think they can...
A new party with a strong leadership we want!
Not a wet lettuce floating around in a salad font!
They may tread on the toes of the politically correct...
Those that struggle hard from the working pit...
We want our pride, our laws and our boarders back!
We want British Values that are not attacked!
Our churches can ring the bells out loud...
Without offending the minority of the not indiginous crowd...
Now let us choose one party to accomodate that!

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