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Chapter Five
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It is disturbing to see the world today
Tears fall like an exploding cannonball…
Spreading destruction, repainting the scene
Destroying the past of a leader’s dream.
A mind-set and arrogance of one that cannot see...
Without talking to a brother or sister of the tasks and agree!
To continue and plan a re-emergence alone,
Taking full control to destroying their people’s soul!
The lesson reflects, one steps back to see…
No good emerges from killing a ‘worker bee’.
A swarm will emerge as fear sets in,
Using their weapons only to survive the threat they can see
And will end up, out to destroying thee.
The Heart sinks and is a memory away,
Days of innocence, the young allowed to decay
Instead of nurturing for the dreams for another day.
It is disturbing to see the world today.
In pain, humans past ‘games’ and stray…
The contrasts of past wars, memories, repeat.
New generations and forgotten defeat…
With an education our leaders are aware
Responsibilities of duties and care…
Is this forgotten through selfish needs
Whilst economy, morals, faith are left to bleed?
The Earth is for the living, on that we can agree…
So why do faiths talk of glory, in death, destroying you and me?
We can each of us decide on our individual life’s length;
We all have the power for deciding our strength!
We do not need wars to open a gate,
We can agree and disagree, communicate!
Progress can be a paradigm shift…
Heaven is on Earth, to discuss, and to debate
We live to gain wisdom, a short time of life
The life of our planet, the time of our life!
No-one knows to our future beyond
Faith or belief to what taught is strong
Within our belief, a democracy is held
A way of life rules and control
Some are born equal, and that may be so...
There are those; however that will definitely say no!
Gatekeepers of multiverses, science theories and more...
There is room as with wisdom for them all...
There are those just believing in material 'things'.
There are those believing in power and greed.
There are those that believe that killing will suffice?
Time will catch up like a cold in ice.
Our Earth will one day come to an end…
Close on an era that was only a Nano of a second.

Author: Nigel G Wilcox 26.06.13