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Chapter Five

Author's Comments on this Poem:
One can look at the world, and wonder what is going on, leaders of countries, turning on their people, because the people want equality, fairness, democracy, transparency. Some people want to kill each other because of differences in colour, faith, morals, human values, religion, politics.
One can say the problems of the world can be complicated....one can also suggest it maybe complicated for the ruling elite to administer, as problems are the results of their actions, long-term however, overcoming obsticles they always benefit....... Putting all that aside, when it comes to nature, it is more straight forward and final one knows where one stands.
Other notes: Nano is a unit to describe computer or digital speed dividing a second into nano-seconds. In the poem this symbolisies the insignificance of the moment, however over time and collectively in terms of cosmological references there are colossal consequences. "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" springs to mind. (Ref: Newtons Third Law of Motion).
Thank you for reading this poem. I appreciate your time and interest.
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Poem Title: Conscience Date Written: 26.06.13
Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Guest Book
Ref: 67
Guest Book