Chapter Eight
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The Earth is imploding, today I see...
Establishments are spiralling far away,
Our culture, our morals are new for some.
New generations after I was born...
Those that want power, grow from the roots,
Choosing their politician, that just haven't a clue.
Controlled from their shadows and stopped as they do;
Agreeing with policies that that the shadows set for you...
The people are only a passing thought.
Seen as interference and a major fraught,
Those from the tech, the pharma the media will display,
Instructions to society, that programme the day...
Drawn out on the conveyor, a product of one.
The automatons goes on and on and on and on …
The lone wolves, surviving through their battle to reform,
They are mirrored ridiculed, destroyed by force...
By the machines of Whitehall, from the conveyors of source,
The media complicit, to the brain-washing course.
From the theatres, to the stage, the Government mirrors,
Gaslighting everyone until the adhere,
The strings of the puppets are now seen quite clear...
They are weak, no character, automaton's for sure,
In control of the rhetoric, the scripts and costumes.
The Nation's identity is sidestepped, consumed!
By the invading forces of idealised views,
To overwhelm with one idyllic view!
Centralised, the violence, the silent coup...
Confusing the norm, adding distraction to view,
Adding viruses like Covid, BLM support, gender/trans reviews.
Perverting the justice, with the democratic taboos,
Spreading across the world like the media do.
We have our Prime Minister of foreign decent,
Not voted for, he emerged with contempt,
A billionaire off the backs that grew,
Like all politicians, with a false promise or two...
A broken record, they never follow through.
Their arrogance, to one side, the party-left queue,
Their heads in the sands with they don't see what is true...
The shadow governments are taking control...
The narrative is doom; but for the handful of a few.
Civil Service, their armies naïve as automatons, they grow...
Once their services are completed, then they will have nothing to do?...
They destroy our history, they destroyed our laws,
The power will destroy them incaserate them of course
Keep them in chains chain them adjure,
To work on the chain gangs in a Marxism world...
Exploiting the weak with local power of rule...
Democracy is over, who are the fools...?
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 13.06.24
