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Poem Title:
Reprise of Mother Nature - All Creatures Great & Small
Ref: 115
Date Written: 04.06.24 (with Revisions) Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Chapter Eight
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Guest Book

I was looking out of the window today to see some young sparrows, intrigued with everything, they were being given the tour, to what can only assume by their parents, as to the potential watering holes and food points along a route.
This brought some memories back from when I was a child, devastated on hearing and seeing a news article on the TV, about China's campaign resulted in the demise of over 1 billion sparrows. I must have been around six or seven years of age at the time, (I know I was quite young, however; the story never left me and it was an early lesson for me on life and to the consequences of actions taken by individuals, especially those with power). They went against Mother Nature concerning life. After the main event in China. It was obvious to me there was something wrong, at the time I didn't really understand this concepts of my thoughts or how to put it into words until much later on in life, I knew something was wrong with this picture.
At the time I didn't know the consequences of such actions or why it took place, I later researched it to find it was initially based on good intentions, however perhaps naïve, (seeing and understanding it today, perhaps in the day, the outcome was unclear). It led to the famine killing around 150 millions of people, very high numbers and Mao Zedong was reluctantly educated into understanding there was an imbalance and he needed to correct the situation to control the pests and to prevent further population demise.
The People’s Republic of China had to import 250,000 sparrows from the Soviet Union to stop the ecological disruption. After successfully importing sparrows back into the ecosystem, the sparrows were able to keep locus populations from devastating crops. The campaign against sparrows was later aimed at eradicating the new bed bug increase that was also later controlled. This was a lesson of what happens when one goes against Mother Nature, a lesson to us ALL...
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 04.05.24