Chapter Eight
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They visit most days,
Just drop in from the sky,
Dunk their bread into water,
As they spy with their eye...
It started with one or two.
Today, there are many more than a few...
Each year the newborns are given the tour,
The legacy ports of call, on the shed roof, endure.
A safe height, from the ground preditor.
The cat, the dog and the human that endeavour.
Water, seed and bread, a reliable resource,
For what we call, our feathered friends, of course.
A sausage roll for those that are majestic amends,
When my presence is known, they take flight to the ends...
Only to return, when my back is turned,
Or I am disguised some way behind a bush or a chair....
Or when I observe from the house, inside as I stare.
Based on their rules, not mine, their cares...
The regular groups, their personality, or traits...
Their familiarities and their grace...
Their timidness, this is their reality,
A semi-trust, one of distance, a must.
The symbiotic creature aloof of trust.
They are the dinousaurs of the past and present.
Reduced to the size of our hand...
Or shaped like a crescent.
Dependant on water, sustenance that is present...
We are their watchers, safeguarding their presence...
Like with all creatures there is effluxion and heaven.
Cut short, one thinks of China post war given,
Mao Zedong the communist leader food production haven,
The people killed all the sparrows bar but a few.
The Sparrows killed the bugs; the locust too,
That killed the crops, ate the foods too slow to renew;
Then came the bed bugs an additional taboo.
The consequences, the naivety, that we should all know and hate.
Starvation and the deaths, of 55 million people at the gate,
Mother nature was guiding many symbiotic pairs,
The balance of nature as was monitored with despair
Man's interference blew a hole in this world
China's people paid with the agonising death, out of control,
Mother Nature was given the power and the depth,
And had full jurisdiction to all life, times and souls....and without regret.

Author: Nigel G Wilcox 04.06.24
All Creatures Great and Small