Chapter Eight
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You dropped by this afternoon, my door was open wide...
I enjoyed your niceties, a cup of tea, recapturing with open eyes...
As the kettle boiled you held me close to you.
The mixed messages grew; they over consumed me,
And I was tempted to let you go; from our close embrace...
Of what seemed as a beautiful dance of the stars within the Universe, a grace.
For a minute we held each other close, you even remarked at the time...
‘Trust’, came from your lips as an angel observed our love...
And I kissed your head slowly, two or three times,
I knew our ages were in question and I didn’t know why...
My intuition told me, you were my soul mate from millennia ago;
It was obvious we were empaths learning, as confusion stirred our souls...
I even asked if there was something you wanted to say to me, you said no!
This decline, my heart sank to a new low...
We stepped away from each other, you retreating to the living room.
I stood just thinking, was I too late? Or was it the spirits interrupting the flow...
Only to commence some utterings, as I poured out the tea;
Words of a babbling fool that even confused me!
I saw the expression on your face, it really said it all…
A few more niceties and then you excused yourself, you headed to the front door.
I paused, I knew I would see you, no-more…
Each day I see your face, my thoughts were. I ‘freaked you out', somehow;
I must learn not to speak and to astutely listen more.
If only I could replay the events and I wonder if that was also your thoughts?
The water today has flowed under the bridge, I dreamt the night before;
To stretch out my hand leaving a message of an open door.
Did you think I had rejected you or was there something more?
Soon; I will need to close this door of a lost love, that seems no more...
To convince myself it was just a test,
Not a soulmate, but a twin flame from which the spirits had sent.
Or was it the temptation from within the wilderness?
To play off two souls, the Devil seems to have won, he extinguished the flames of love...
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 05.12.23
A Divine Opportunity Missed?
(revised 08.02.24)