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Poem Title:
A Divine Opportunity Missed? (Scenario)
Ref: 113
Date Written: 05.12.23  Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Chapter Eight
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Guest Book
Sometimes situations arise and we are unprepared for them, even though we may usually be good at reading people and situations most of the time on a normal day, one can make an occasional mistake based even on the law of averages. I believe I did make a mistake on this particular occasion. On reflection I ask myself, was this a situation of 'The Divine' stepping in where fools tread? 'The Devine', telling me to hold fire and put on the brakes, possibly! Did the tide change and the universe decide it was not meant to be? Convince me!
The questions that do arise however; is, did the other person have the same initial feelings as I had at the time? Or was a hug just a hug of friendship? It was a situation for me of many questions, 'mixed messages' all coming at once?
Loneliness can cause one at times to be delusional, more so as we get older, seeing things that may or may not be there, (Ref: KJ Mathew 4:1-17) or over thinking the situation. In this case it was more wishful thinking on my part, however; I thought I was doing the right thing, and talked myself out of a situation (like most fuzzy logic situations e.g. 'Thought', he planted a feather, and 'Thought' he grew a chicken) ‘..
Based on societal expectations, one halted what could have been a forever endearing, (a soulmate, a twin flame?) a potential loving universal destiny.
Given time and thought, the excuse could have only confused the situation and ushered further misunderstandings in terms of interpreting a projected rejection. This was far from the truth from my point of view; however, the damage was done.
As we gain experience of life and so-called greater wisdom and remembering what we had learnt from it at times; based on outside influences and expectations, we can miss a divine opportunity and regret our actions to what could have been. The most difficult part to all this is then having to muster up the strength, courage to try and move on.
Could the situation have been recovered? Possibly with hindsight! This person is spiritual and it may have been down to ‘Divine timing', the timing was out of sync, not ready. With reflection they could see possibly this, there could have been a third party involved and this was just an opportunity for them?
On the other hand, one can feel foolish and see it as just being a hug of friendship. Hopefully, we are still friends and it did not freak them out, saying that, I haven't seen them for at least two years with a only the odd couple of texts I send as seasonal greetings with the odd late reply. . Perhaps that really says it all...

              Author: Nigel G Wilcox  (Revised 08.02.24)