Apollo Space Missions

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Apollo Mission
Apollo 1  21 February 1967

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Apollo Mission Patches

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Apollo 2 Testing
25 August 1966
Apollo Space Programme
Apollo 3 203 Testing
Never launched. On 27 January 1967, a fire in the command module during a launch pad test killed the crew and destroyed the module. This flight was originally designated AS-204, and was renamed to Apollo 1 at the request of the crew's families.
Gus Grissom
Ed White
Roger B. Chaffee
Saturn IB (AS-204)
Apollo 4 Testing
Saturn V AS-501
9 November 1967 12:00 GMT
First flight of Saturn V rocket; successfully demonstrated S-IVB third stage restart and tested CM heat shield at lunar re-entry speeds.
Apollo 5  Testing
22 January 1968  22:48 GMT
Saturn IB AS-204
First flight of LM; successfully fired descent engine and ascent engine; demonstrated "fire-in-the-hole" landing abort test.
Apollo 6
Saturn V  AS-502
Second flight of Saturn V; severe "pogo" vibrations caused two second-stage engines to shut down prematurely, and third stage restart to fail. SM engine used to achieve high-speed re-entry, though less than Apollo 4. NASA identified vibration fixes and declared Saturn V man-rated.
4 April 1968  16:12 GMT
11 October 1968  15:02 GMT
~ 10d 20h 09m 03s
Apollo 7
Saturn IB  (AS-205)
Wally Schirra
Donn F. Eisele
Walter Cunningham
Test flight of Block II CSM in Earth orbit; included first live TV broadcast from American spacecraft.
21 December 1968  12:51 GMT
Saturn V  (AS-503)
~06d 03h  00m 42s
Frank Borman
James Lovell
William Anders
First circumlunar flight of CSM, had ten lunar orbits in 20 hours. First crewed flight of Saturn V.
Saturn V  (AS-504)
3 March 1969  16:00 GMT
~10d 01h  00m 54s
James McDivitt
David Scott
Rusty Schweickart
First crewed flight test of Lunar Module; tested propulsion, rendezvous and docking in Earth orbit. EVA tested the Portable Life Support System (PLSS).
Saturn V (AS-505)
18 May 1969  16:49 GMT
  ~08d 00h  03m 23s
Thomas P. Stafford
John Young
Eugene Cernan
CM Charlie Brown
  LM Snoopy
CM- Gumdrop
LM - Spider
"Dress rehearsal" for lunar landing. The LM descended to 8.4 nautical miles (15.6 km) from lunar surface.
16 July 1969  13:32 GMT
~08d 03h  18m 35s
Saturn V  (AS-506)
Neil Armstrong
Michael Collins
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
CM Columbia
LM Eagle
First crewed landing in Sea of Tranquility (Tranquility Base) including a single surface EVA.
Saturn V  (AS-507)
14 November 1969  16:22 GMT
~ 10d 04h  36m 24s
Charles (Pete) Conrad
Richard F. Gordon Jr.
Alan Bean
CM Yankee Clipper
LM Intrepid
First precise Moon landing in Ocean of Storms near Surveyor 3 probe. Two surface EVAs and returned parts of Surveyor to Earth.
Saturn V  (AS-508)
11 April 1970  19:13 GMT
~05d 22h 54m 41s
James Lovell
Jack Swigert
Fred Haise
CM Odyssey
LM Aquarius
Intended Fra Mauro landing cancelled after SM oxygen tank exploded. LM used as "lifeboat" for safe crew return. First S-IVB stage impact on Moon for active seismic test.
Saturn V (AS-509)
31 January 1971 21:03 GMT
~09d 00h  01m 58s
Alan Shepard
Stuart Roosa
Edgar Mitchell
CM Kitty Hawk
LM Antares
Successful Fra Mauro landing. Broadcast first color TV images from lunar surface (other than a few moments at the start of the Apollo 12 moonwalk.) Conducted first materials science experiments in space. Conducted two surface EVAs.
Saturn V (AS-510)
26 July 1971  13:34 GMT
~12d 07h  11m 53s
David Scott
Alfred Worden
James Irwin
CM Endeavour
LM Falcon
Landing at Hadley–Apennine. First extended LM, three-day lunar stay. First use of Lunar Roving Vehicle. Conducted 3 lunar surface EVAs and one deep space EVA on return to retrieve orbital camera film from SM.
Saturn V  (AS-511)
16 April 1972  17:54 GMT
~11d 01h  51m 05s
John Young
Ken Mattingly
Charles Duke
CM Casper
LM Orion
Landing in Descartes Highlands. Conducted 3 lunar EVAs and one deep space EVA.
Saturn V (AS-512)
7 December 1972  05:33 GMT
~12d 13h  51m 59s
Eugene Cernan
Ronald Evans
Harrison Schmitt
CM America
LM Challenger
Landing at Taurus–Littrow. First professional geologist on the Moon. First night launch. Conducted 3 lunar EVAs and one deep space EVA.
Note: See Mission Patches Section 1a  for Cancelled Apollo Missions 18,19,20, 21 There is some controversy into whether these flights took place or not, or even if the patches are legitimate and some online sources suggest there may have been a cover-up via Black Opps or Secret Missions. Only time will tell for the truth to come out if this is the case...However the patches above are legitimate.