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Mission Timeline
1963 Feb. 8: The Military Industrial Commission, VPK, issues official decision No. 24, approving the development of four Vostok spacecraft during 1963.

1963 Feb. 9: Dmitry Ustinov sends an official request to the Central Committee of the Communist Party for the production of four extra Vostok spacecraft during the first half of 1963.

1963 March 19: Ivan Serbin informs Soviet leaders about the official plan to produce four Vostoks in the 2nd and the 3rd quarter of that year.

1963 March 21: Presidium of the Central Committee requests proposals for follow-on Vostok missions by March 26.

1963 April 13: Kremlin's decree No. 437-150 approves the production of four "military" Vostoks and their rockets, including one in July, one in August and two more in the 4th quarter of 1963.

1963 July 26: The expanded meeting of the Chief Designers reviews results achieved by the Vostok project so far.

1963 Dec. 3: Decree No. 1184-435 calls for the beginning of the 7K tests before the end of 1964 and launching two other components of the Soyuz complex during 1965 and 1966.

1964 January: OKB-1 formulates ideas for the Voskhod project.

1964 Jan. 30: Korolev proposes eight follow-on Vostok missions to Leonid Smirnov.

1964 Feb. 1: Leonid Smirnov rejects the Vostok follow-on program.

1964 Feb. 8: Korolev sends a proposal to Smirnov to fly a modified Vostok with three cosmonauts onboard.

1964 April: Preliminary specifications for the future Voskhod spacecraft are issued.

1964 April 13: The Soviet government issues Decree No. 294-117 formally approving the already ongoing development of a three-seat Voskhod spacecraft.

1964 Aug. 21: A meeting of the Military Industrial Commission reviews the preparations for the Voskhod mission.

1964 Sept. 6: A descent module of the Voskhod spacecraft crashes during a drop test.

1964 Oct. 4: The seven cosmonauts training for the Voskhod mission arrive to Tyuratam to watch the unmanned test launch of the Voskhod spacecraft.

1964 Oct. 5: A second drop test of the Voskhod capsule in Crimea goes as planned.

1964 Oct. 6:
An unmanned Voskhod spacecraft enters orbit under the official name Kosmos-47

1964 Oct. 12: The 3KV spacecraft is launched with Vladimir Komarov, Konstantin Feoktistov and Boris Yegorov onboard.

1964 Oct. 13: The 3KV (Voskhod) spacecraft lands successfully.

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