Blue Origin (SLS)
New Shepard  In-Flight Escape System

On October 5, 2016, New Shepard performed an in-flight test of the capsule’s full-envelope escape system, designed to quickly propel the crew capsule to safety if a problem is detected with the booster. At T+0:45 and 16,053 feet (4,893 meters), the capsule separated and the escape motor fired, pushing the capsule safely away from the booster. Reaching an apogee of 23,269 feet (7,092 meters), the capsule then descended under parachutes to a gentle landing on the desert floor. After the capsule escape, the booster continued its ascent, reaching an apogee of 307,458 feet (93,713 meters). At T+7:29, the booster executed a controlled, vertical landing back at the West Texas Launch Site, completing its fifth and final mission.
Published on 5 Oct 2016
Title: New Shepard In-Fight Escape System  (Blue Origin)
Duration: 2:40   (HTML5)
New Shepard is Blue Origin’s reusable vertical take-off, vertical landing spacecraft that consists of a pressurised capsule on top of a booster.
Launched from a site in Texas, New Shepard performed an in-flight test of the capsule’s escape system, which is designed to propel the crew to safety if a problem is detected with the booster.

Less than a minute into the mission and at an altitude of 4,893m, the capsule separated and the escape motor fired, pushing the capsule away from the booster.

Reaching an apogee of 7,092m, the capsule then descended under parachutes.

After the capsule escape, the booster continued its ascent, reaching an apogee of 93,713m.

At just under eight minutes into the mission, the booster executed a controlled, vertical landing back at the Blue Origin’s West Texas Launch Site, marking the completion of its fifth and final mission.

Founded by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin is developing technologies to enable private human access to space.

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