Nigel G Wilcox
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Moon Anomalies
Introduction To Moon Phenomenon
Moon Anomalies - Videos

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Title: Missing Apollo Tapes and Moon Anomalies  Part 1 of 2
The UNKNOWN Missing Apollo 11 Tapes & Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Part 1
Published on Feb 21, 2016
YouTube Code:
Duration: 5:52
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Magnify Video/Photographs -Freeze-frame - Objects or structures on the moon.
Title: Missing Apollo Tapes and Moon Anomalies, Part 3
Published on Mar 17, 2009
Code: :
Duration: 09:46
Uploaded on 17 Mar 2009
George Noory interviews Richard Hoagland on the shameful disappearance of 100's of Nasa tapes from the Moon.
This is Part 3 of a multi-part series - be sure to watch Part 1 and Part 2 first!

This third segment of  "The Truth Behind The Tones" begins to examine the various editing techniques that were used to disguise, obfuscate, and erase many of the quindar tones in the Apollo GCTA lunar surface television footage. Appreciating this component of the cover-up is vital to your understanding of the depth and magnitude of the Apollo TV lies. Back in Part 2, I conclusively demonstrated that NASA has indeed LIED to the world about the true purposes of the quindar tones you hear in the GCTA footage, and in Part 3 you will see examples showing the various editing techniques they exploited in order to erase or cover up the majority of the quindar tones that were actually being created by the digital editing system.

The Truth Behind The Tones - this multi-part series will break down and present the truth about the incredible levels of manipulation and fakery that the Apollo lunar landing program TV footage was subjected to prior to being seen by public eyes.

This is some rather complex subject matter, and cannot be even close to adequately explained in a brief 10 minute video. Because of this, I think the best way to present proof of this magnitude is to do so methodically, explaining various primary facets of the manipulation in parts. This and other presentations will cover many facets of the TV coverup, revealing not only how they did it, but why.

To the skeptics - I am NOT cherry-picking scenes here, and am NOT showing you only a few coincidentals from the hours of footage available. I have THOUSANDS of examples cataloged, and can and will back up what I am showing over and over and over again as I dissect this television portion of the Apollo lie further. I will say right now that you have NO idea how deep the lies go, and you have NO idea what NASAs true technological capabilities REALLY were back then - let alone today. I have researched this subject matter for years, I have personally interviewed an individual directly involved in this coverup, and I can back up what I am saying and showing here with countless examples that conclusively demonstrate the validity of my claims. Please note: One needs to do their own research to confirm the truth.

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