Chapter Seven
The Theatre of Fire
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 14.01.22
Another family member departs the stage,
They have carried out their role for a lifetime, an age.
Each new generation is written into script;
And the story continues with new lines, personality, character...
Life of our favourite actors within our lifetime one declares,
A replacement for that familiarity, one stumbles with hesitance...
There cannot be an end to this character today or can there?
For the observing generations will know their lifestyle, their way...
For the character and mannerism that makes them they!
Some will ask for no fuss when they are called,
Some will go, flamboyant with trimmings unique, absurd of course...
Some will want to be remembered for good dignity, the British Upper lip!
Some will disappear like the rain or mist on the surface of the sea...
When we go, we leave this time and space
Some, remembered, some forgotten!
No return, to tie what is undone, what's done is done!
Why do we have this stage play of life?
For some it is a trial, for some worthiness and good.
For some it will expose our selfish ways and that we were misunderstood!
Whatever is the weakness ; the generations of our present day.
A distraction, as we wait and learn of our end of days...
Before our end journey to many, an unknown.
In dealing with this loss, the mourning or sorrow, tomorrow...
To see a familiar face, addressing us all,
And then the habitual, life cut short for casting, the cut film falls to the floor...
One bad word; that will haunt us, one's happy memory to be adorned,
As to not take for granted of time and the opportunity.
As a member of the family one can feel sad.
The departure of one that does not look back.
This time it is inevitable to us all, one must add.
Today of all our days is not today...
And one must live life to the full, so we are told...
Remembering our closest with fondest thoughts,
Should and will comfort us all...
Those that have left us their problems, now end...
No more mortal suffering or thoughts of despair.
Like a butterfly, they have evolved.
To the next immortal stage of their existence, we can be told...
To play the next role, as for those left behind the scenes, reminiscing.
And the thought of their highs, their lows.
Our thoughts of their decline.
Do we judge?
Who awaits to judge us? Our kin, let God have faith in our Soul....