Chapter Four
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Poem Title: Cloud of Silent Witnesses             Date Written: 04.06.12
Guest Book
Angel References:
Angiras: (Divine Spirit) The word angel is drived from the Sanskrit word Angrias, which means 'divinve spirit'. (Ref:82)
Dommiel: A fallen angel, Dommiel is the Prince of Terror and Trembing. He is said to be able to come and go in Hell as he wishes and without the need of keys. (Ref:82)
Dohel: The angel who holds the keys to the four corners of the earth. Heis also the keeper of the keys to the Garden of Eden. (Ref:82)
Harbonah and Zethar: (Confusion, Angels of:) A group of angels sent to earth by God to cause chaotic conditions. In one account God sent the angels of confusion to earth to mix up the languages of humans as they attempted to build a tower to heaven. Eight angels belonged to this group. (Ref:68)
Seven Tiers: One of Seven Heavens. Seven being the higher order.
Pusiel, (Fiery and merciless Angel:) Whose name means 'fire' is known as the fiery merciless angel. He is in charge of interrogating and torturing sinful souls in hell. (Ref: 99)
Lipika: A high order of angels. The Lipika record world history and the individual experiences of the people of earth. These records then become part of the Akashic Records (The heavenly library). (Ref: 163)
Arabot: (Angels of:) Arabot is the name of the Seventh Heaven. God and the highest order of angels dwell here. including the Seraphim, Cherubim and the throne angels. Arabot is where the court of Heaven convenes. It is also where God will judge the souls of men on judgement day. (Ref:24)
Serapiel: Prince of the Seraphim. In 3 Enoch he is described as a great and respected leader of the Seraphim who is glorified, honoured, and beloved. His majestic beauty overshadows many in Heaven. The crown on his head is the height of a journey of 502 years. The crown is called Prince of Peace. He stands over the Seraphim day and night and teaches them songs to glorify God. (Ref:246)
Usiel: (God's strength): A fallen angel from the order of angels called the watchers. He was one of the angels who came to earth to have sexual relations with women and produce ­children.(Ref:­276)
Uriel (Fire of God): One of the seven archangels. According toJudaic lore, Uriel holds the keys to Hell and will do away with the gates of Hell on Judgement day. According to Juudaic lore, he is the angel that Jacob wrestled with at Peniel. Legend has it that as they wrestled , Jacob and Uriel merged as one. In one tale, Uriel is a serpent who reprimands the prophet Moses for not holding a rite of circumcision for his son. Uriel is symbolised by the scroll an open hand holding a flame. The flame represents the meaning of his name, which is 'fire of God'. (Ref: 275)
YHWH: A great angelic prince in Heaven. (Ref: 25)
Source: The Encyclopedia of Angels (Note References - page numbers, refer to this publication).

One can question ones faith and also their decisions walking their road of life. Sometimes there are forces beyond one's control. Is it luck, faith or it could be more at work....?
Within religions there are the wars that strike good and evil. The heavens fallen angels are expelled after finding temptation in the human female form and bearing offspring. The Angels are the Guardians and have been entrusted by the Divine to serve 'Mankind'. Some of the Angels after serving the Lord feel betrayed after their long service, their choice is to accept human kind or not and the war ­continues.....­...
Ref: 57
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Author: Nigel G Wilcox