One sees the paradigm, personal belief and faiths, change over night,
With research, the papers shred a blue touch paper of light;
The ground has been dug, the satellites do roam,
And the highlights shine knowledge to where the seeds are sown.

Other life's past, other lives present, modern day,  technologies crescent;
It becomes obsolete, our thoughts our memories erased by those that defeat.
Rewriting our history, our thoughts deplete...
With time we see the manipulation of our new paradigm in time degrades.

What be it of our DNA, introduced before time, as civilisations create,
Then destroyed time after time, by five....?
The daieties or hybrids we learn, there were more than one...
Their specialities seen as magic, the manipulations, signs, the mixing, Creation!

Drones or slaves we, the servants below, serving those with technologies do grow!
Far greater than our own, we see the sights, as miracles inspire with awe,
The deprivation and exploitation of human lives deplete.
The power to rule, in a deities image, programmed for mining of gold...

"Those that came down from heaven", doth seek,
The workers of an army of servants that think!
Taught the wisdoms of the Creators thoughts limited likeness, passes on  the torch.
To those that are trusted; continue to exploit, not as a deity, as in the name of an elite...

In a vacuum of space, return to the heavens, creating the deluge the purge the aggression!
For life discontinues, with only a few, saved by a god sympathetic to one....
Erasing the memories, amnesia to set in...
Our scriptures, records 'in the beginning' again.

New name and myths from shadowlands...
Rewrites our history, recorded in our soil bands.
Elites in place, of those of deity,  seek only their lifestyles and opportunity!
Keeping their slaves bought from their wealth.

They are their puppets, soldiers of wars!
Fighting for the lands of their keepers cause...
Boundaries and borders countries in names,
Governments controlling their countries, blames!

The peaceful deity, was it all a myth?
Our imaginations, totally adrift?
Giants, mermaids, half-humans of beasts
Roaming our Earth, relegated to myths?....

Humans were created to struggle and dig,
Be exploited like animals until return of our 'kin!'
Recycling their purpose, taking back from the elite?
Returning to their place to scald those that feed, 

Off! Of their kind and others to date;
To end the corruption, even to debate?
Only to take over, to return to their greed?
To exploit our resources and our planet one can only believe?

To return and recycle, their heavens deplete
Of our planets gold for their atmosphere discreate....

To place us in Amnesia and for history to repeat!

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Human Amnesia from the The Gods
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 09.11.19
Chapter Seven