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Chapter Seven
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Poem Title: Human Amnesia from the Gods
Ref: 99
Guest Book
Date Written: 09.11.19 Author: Nigel G Wilcox
As many will know from my profile, I have spent many years in researching into archaeology, just one topic of many. Part of my study came across the Surmarian Civilisation and their links or writing into the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki were recorded in their texts as dieties "those that came down from the heavens", (aliens). By using DNA they created hybrids or extracted DNA from primitive man and what one presumes DNA from themselves. They created workers or slaves to dig for Gold in place of their kind.
Throughout history their story was lost and it is said that this is some of the Earth's missing history. It is as if all life on this planet went through amnesia forgetting what had taken place.
An archaeologist and linguist by the name of Zachariah Sitchin studied Sumerian clay tablets that were found in the academic archives and managed to decode them. After many years to this day, many students have followed his research and learnt to translate these tablets recording the texts. It was found many of the stories referred to characters within the Christian bible and other religious text of other religions around the world, with a crossover to what we assumed as myths, such as within Greek Mythology, Egyptology to name a couple. The text also discusses the Great flood and Noah, however different names were used and discussed a number of Gods, one included Yaweh. Coincidence? It does make one think. These Godes eventually departed and 'New Man' took over...…
Note: there are those that dismiss this research, however everyday there are new discoveries being made that dismisses their scepticism in support of the scientific research. Perhaps this is being discouraged by those that have tried to cover the origins of mankind, shadow governments, the elite for example? Try researching this topic, it makes interesting reading.
