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Chapter Seven
Penal Colony
Further down the road I see,
Nothing ever changes for me...
The politicians remain the same,
The parasites and their dreams beneath
The flagstones of the streets,
Whereby the poor and starving Britain sleeps.

The elite look at the bottom-line
Of their profit margins, lifestyle and signs,
Out of touch from their reality,
Only to ignore humanity...

An unelected party of lies,
Staring at the faces of votes, compromised!
Only to deceive the folks
From the truth with closed policies,
If any, far from the truth, discrepancy.

The EU with childlike minds,
Tantrums and grated smiles declines,
Hiding the treachery out of reach,
From the common man in the street.

A country does not agree with them...
The gravy train, moves on by and waits for them,
As the people question why?

Over 60 years the bureaucrats have played a game,
Dismantling the machines that work our lands...
Our small nation merges into the EU state,
Our culture erased by foreign hands...
From history, led by fools of the elite,
Only to form  a dictatorship.

A nation stops! Opportunities illuminate...
We see the images, hollow voices, they elaborate,
With clarity, we pause, research and listen,
They scoff and assume the 'Remain' position.

With no changes of attitude to wealth and prescription,
We strike LEAVE and leave a shockwave to their discretion!
Their perception! Breathe deeply politicians...
For redemption depletes, also from the shadows....

Months on, to see plans of armies and of small decisions,
Dictating hundreds of miles in EU directions...
Without improving the people’s day,
Threats, cross words within the ringside wrestling betray,
Those that thought they could win, without trying?
Now decide to march and make no impression revert to lying...

Those that control our boarders and do not listen!
Those that that break our walls of protection!
To destroy our way of life and dreams for British perfection,
For all the money the people have paid,
In taxes, to be spent away, on those that wish to change our way...
Our culture, our country, our history, our religion!
Not for sale, illegal and goes against the British people!

I ask why does our government do this to us?
Lead us like sheep, herding us?
To an abattoir destroying our souls...
Politicians, destroying what we are?

The people of Britain have had their say!
Enough of Brussels, politicians today!
We Say NO! Enough is enough!
We live by Common Law, our Sovereignty a must!

The Magna Carta is what was written...
To protect our sovereignty for all indiscretion!
And the powers of our democracy can only suggest,
The voice of the majority can only possess,
The actions of politicians, are decided for them!
The British People have all power over them...

Our politicians are elected by vote!
Our Common Law democratically voted for...
Voted, by the people to follow our laws!
Of leading our country, protecting our cause!
The swords of justice will cut the ropes...
Of those that are corrupt! And kills Britain's hopes!

                                                                          Author: Nigel G Wilcox  26.10.16
            Treason, The Political Elite!
King John 'The Signing of the Magna Carta