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Chapter Seven

Author's Comments on this Poem:
Four months on from the referendum to leave the EU, Cameron has resigned as Prime Minister and Theresa May has filled the gap for the Conservatives. Theresa May has formed a government, however remains unelected by the British people. For those that remember, Theresa May voted to remain within the EU, along with most of her government, making the leaving the EU an ironic chapter in British politics. The delays in signing article 50 to leave, is seen as a delay tactic to negotiate trade deals, however, many of the British people view this as something they have become familiar with, to expect 'smoke and mirrors' from the unfriendly Conservative arsenal to make the British people a part of an elaborate Super European State. Losing all control of the United Kingdom and run by a small elite group of people in Brussels.
This poem, Treason! The Political Elite sees today's politics as a battle between four fronts: British Government against the British people, The Government working with the EU against the British people and the British people working against the Government and the European Union. So far, after four months it has been a fiasco, with the government of the UK and EU elite, proving the UK government to be incompetent and arrogant, by means of not even writing up an exit strategy for the Brexit programme, assuming the British people would comply to their wishes, without question.
The Magna Carta was signed by King John on the 15th June 1215. This was to prevent the monarchy and government officials surrendering sovereignty and democracy to a foreign power. By following a programme from the 1930s, politicians in Europe and the UK have systematically broken down the bureaucratic systems of government piece by piece, surrendering power of the United Kingdom to Brussels and therefore selling out on the indigenous British population.
The British people used the democratic system, researched the pros and cons of the merger of the European Union and decided it was too corrupt, saying NO! At the democratically organised referendum.
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Poem Title: Treason! The Political Elite!
Date Written: 26.10.16 Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 92
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