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Chapter Six

Author's Comments on this Poem:
On 23rd June 2016 - St George's Day, the people of the United Kingdom Vote to Stay or LEAVE the European Union. This poem is favouring the side of the LEAVE campaign and suggests polititians have not given the full facts to the people concerning mid to long term meaning to the marriage. There is very little mention in the debate of the Super Europen State that will be formed, this will lead to each member country losing it's individual sovereignty, name, laws, culture, currency, army, police and also includes the NHS, a passonate topic of debate. The UK will be controlled by unelected people based in Brussels. It has been described as a recreated Russian Model of government and as we all know, this model failed.
The Referendum voting has now taken place, started off with regions wanting to remain IN with voting reflecting this. As the night progressed, the voting started to change in favour of the the LEAVE capaign. The results were presented and the LEAVE won by a majority of over a million votes on a 72% turn out. 52% LEAVE and 48% REMAIN. The battle had been won!
Thank you for reading this poem. I appreciate your time and interest.
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Poem Title: The Battle for Old England
Date Written: 24.06.16 Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 90
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