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Chapter Seven
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Poem Title: Consequences of Political Lies and Paid-off Propagandas
Ref: 97
Guest Book
We have been betrayed by our Government (UK), with the political classes committing treason against the British people. This poem suggests the betrayal as being the cancer in our society and the epidemic of corruption spreading internationally. Politicians greed controlled by those in privileged positions, not just in the UK, entrusted to them by the people only to be fleeced, robbed by those not worthy of the trust to administer the wealth of the country through taxes paid to be dispersed fairly and evenly to the required needs to us as a nation(s).

This is no longer the case and the British people are being brainwashed into seeing the government as the control of power, the reversal, to what is the true reality. It is truly the People that hold the power in our country and not the political classes. In fact the politicians  are employed by the people and here to serve the people. This is what elections and referendums are suppose to be about.

The mind games played by the political glasses, the media, elite, elite rich, elite-position of people in power to subdue the working/middle  classes of society.

The analogy : Feed a man for one day, he will live for one day...
Give him a net and teach him to fish, he will live, prosper and feed his kin for life....

The government are however, are reverting back to  feeding the man for one day, they are taking the net away. This is down to short sightedness and most likely greed, to make a quick profit, there and now. Unfortunately, there are many corrupt politicians reaping the labours of others and travelling on this gravy train. This will have some significance on the whole of society, for in the long term, those at the top will also starve as they will not have the labour or the knowledge to fish for themselves and will also become extinct... There is a moral message here, but will they take notice in time? One doubts it, it has become nature to them. Who cares for the next generation when they are not going to be here anyway, they surely don't!
Date Written: 20.05.19                                                        Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Note: I am not ashamed of writing another political poem, as this is a great concern to me and the future of my country, to which I feel strongly....