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Democracy ?
Chapter Seven
War’s enduring lie: “Dulce et Decorum est/Pro patria mori.” It is sweet and honourable to die for one’s country.
Shallow words to shallow graves; politicians and condescension, the elite drink in the mess reflecting on battles rather than the men and families that serve.
21st century and they still play the same game; controlling and manipulating, chess pieces to be moved and toppled. A glass of port to the left…and a grunt and a belch of cuisine satisfaction.
The people are stirring, they become conscious, and their eyes open, to see the injustice of those that draw up the papers with the dotted lines.
Those privileged, only through the clubs of the elite, schooling affordable by those that earn off the backs of the working classes, words to bypass for others to compete and complete, trading favours for in reality, worthless paper within peer groups, outside it, is a ‘gold generator’, a key to rule the common man…
Guaranteed position, jobs with the finance to match, no accountability or transparency, codes to confuse and mystify, the smoke and mirrors of lacking honesty. The gene that passes down ancestry.
Values distorted, the delusions of grandeur and the last resort, deniability.
Term ‘Lessons Learnt’ buys time, with time distortion, truth dissolves, fogs over reality where memory fades, and those in power, forget…
The people reflect, they stand outside the jungle and they can see the trees, they feel the wind brush the leaves, they hear the trees fall in the storm, they see the story unfold as the reality is undone.
Over time, observer’s do see, a pattern form the template of hypocrisy, whereby the lines are crossed beyond the point of decency, beyond the excepted norms and acceptability, “Dulce et Decorum est/Pro patria mori.”
One must see one's enemy, very carefully....
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 29.06.18

He gave us the opportunity to vote & then he
bailed out!
We knew what we voted for....& did!
'The Drunk'
Blinded by Self-infliction...
The Pen Pusher No Backbone, No Leader!
The Common Man
Taxpayers Money
Lifestyles of Politicians & the Elite
We 'Trusted' Our, so called Leaders...