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Poem Title:
Mission Immortality (Scenario)
Ref: 114
Date Written: 17.05.24 Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Chapter Eight
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Guest Book
Remaining on a Spiritual Theme from one's creation, one is sent out on a mission to be tested on their trust, empathy, obedience and faithfulness amongst others. The path will be hard and difficult, for the short period of immortal life on an isolated planet called Earth. One is never sent alone, like Adam and Eve, the journey requires teamwork and compromise leading to what is perceived as identifying what is right from any potential wrongs.
As Adam and Eve failed the test, they were sent out on a mission to fulfil a programme to bring sinners back towards faith. Those that came after, were told to perform the same mission, however their partners will be chosen via the spiritual intervention and the dance of the universal divine journey...
                                                                                                       Author: Nigel G Wilcox  17.05.24