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Nigel G Wilcox
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Aviation Hobby
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Welcome to the newest member of the Paragon Publications.

This publication: 'The Paragon of Modern Aviation' has been another interest of mine for recent years and like some of my other publications in this collection has evolved to a point; whereby the home to some of the data  requires it own space, based on the limitation or scope crossing the boundaries to the main topic offered  within a particular publication. This is a great opportunity and a good reason to create a new publication, this will allow for further data expansion and to introduce new topics that will interest the readers and clickers.

What is in this publication? Anything to do with terrestrial or conventional aircraft, from the fastest jet planes and prototypes to second world war aircraft and other forms of aerial transport. There is also a section discussing hobbies such as amateur radio, domestic and commercial drones to name a few interests, this will depend on if it remains a popular route.

The latter topic: Drones, brings me on to the main reason for the expansion in the first place. I needed a platform to expand on this subject from learning to fly a drone for the hobbyist, to the legal requirements of the operator and flyer and how to obtain the skills to follow this pastime legally and safely, via obtaining the relevant qualifications and not forgetting experience. A diary will also be part of this publication, recording every step of the way, even the disasters when learning to fly. This hopefully leading into the Commercial realm. The next hurdle is finding the right funding opportunity.

I am  in the early stages of this publication and major developments will be evident as we go along, so watch the progress and if you wish to be a contributor. please contact me on the link below.
Publication Introduction
Nigel G Wilcox
The Paragon of Modern Aviation

Nigel G Wilcox
Published 2021
The bit about me.... I am Nigel Wilcox, was born in Sutton Coldfield in 1959, Warwickshire (sounds a long time ago) now resides in the Bentley Heath area of Solihull, falling within the boundaries of Birmingham within the West Midlands, UK.
Mark email: 'Modern Aviation'
March 17.03.21
Nigel holds licences for cars, heavy goods - i.e coaches, Fixed cab lorries - Class 2 ADR and forklifts and has had experience of driving with tracked vehicles minutely, admittedly a while ago now,  such vehicles as a chieftan tank and armoured personnel carriers (APC) on the training grounds in Germany. Nigel has also flown (full scale) solo in a Tomahawk Aircraft and has 200 recorded hours in the pilots seat around the Channel Islands.

If you wish to communicate with Nigel, the synops, for more personal in-depth discussions on the publication topics, please feel free to use the email address provided below.

I hope you find this site useful and thank you for your visit and interest.

Check out the Drome Diary 2021
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The Paragon of Modern Aviation
See my Diary 2021 within the 'Personal Hobby Drone Menu' to How I got started and what I did to meet the legal requirements for flying a drone safely...
Aircraft And Personal Development & Applications
The Paragon of Modern Aviation
See Updates & New Regulations 2022 >>>