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Insurance and Liability for Drones
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- Make sure you can be clearly seen when you’re out flying
This means people will know who’s responsible for your drone or model aircraft.
- Let people know before you start recording or taking pictures
In some cases, this will be easy. For example, if you’re taking a photo of family and friends at a family barbeque.
In other cases, this will be less practical, so you must be careful to respect everyone’s right to privacy.
Remember, you must never fly over groups, crowds, or any people who are not with you.
- Think before sharing photos and videos
Avoid sharing anything that could be unfair or harmful to anyone.
- Think carefully about who could see your photos and videos – especially before posting them on social media. Apply the same common-sense approach that you would with images or video recorded on a smartphone or digital camera.
- Keep photos and videos secure
Store images safely. Delete anything you don’t need.
If you record images for commercial use, you’ll need to meet further specific requirements as a data controller.
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