Looking After Your Finds - Reference
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Copyright Notice
British Currency, Artifacts, Images
Images used to depict British unit of currency. This work is protected by British Crown copyright and is expected to lapse in the public domain in 2059, or in the case of banknotes is copyrighted by the issuing bank. (Banknote images are not depicted on this site). The use of image, (Coins) on is contended to be fair use when they are used for the purposes of commentary or criticism relating to the image of the currency itself. Any other usage, on this site or elsewhere, may be copyright infringementCaution: Under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 (section 18 (1)) it is an offence for any person, unless the relevant authority has previously consented in writing, to reproduce on any substance whatsoever, and whether or not on the correct scale, any British currency note or any part of a British currency note. Reproductions of Bank of England currency notes are made by permission of the Bank of England, ref. FCA/9292C, which needs to be renewed annually.

Images used to depict Roman unit of currency. The use of image, (Coin) on is contended to be fair use when they are used for the purposes of commentary or criticism relating to the image of the currency itself.

No download of work is authorised unless stated on appropriate page(s). The 'save' function has been disabled within relevant sections to protect authors and their works where appropriate and emphasising the sites function as an archival reference resource acknowledging works where possible.
This site has been developed for the use of imparting knowledge without profit for the purpose of educating the resipient of historical and current data referring to:   what deems as withdrawn coinage and current circulated coinage, (units) of currency referred to:  in identifying 'finds' as 'artifacts' concerning the pastime in relation to 'Hobbies' 'Educational - Study' particular relevance deemed as within the description, 'Metal detecting' 'Archaeological' and related disciplines and use as such for 'identifying' and use for educational purposes only'.

Note: This is an educational site for the purpose of informing others as a topic of study, research, hobby, interest. In this context there is no reason to assume any loss of trade or revenue to the owners of any featured coin and/or artifact  image, works. Potential traders, or parties may benefit and profit from new interested parties, however, this site will not recommend or receive directional associated trade and remains neutral and an informative resource. However, remains the discretion of Paragon Publications to promote associated Leisure, Recreation, Specialist Skills, Agents to appropriate associated disciplines as to aid recipients within their course of study and/or research.
Copyright © All Rights Reserved  by Nigel G Wilcox  ·   ·  E-Mail: ngwilcox100@gmail.com
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