Refresher for the Beginner and Professional
Metal Detecting is an activity enjoyed by thousands of people across the UK which, when undertaken responsibly, can provide valuable insights into our past. Many landowners have excellent relationships with the people who metal detect on their land. Others suffer the problems of illegal metal detecting. By making sure any metal detecting which takes place on your holding is done responsibly, you can help to ensure that information about our past is not lost forever. This item explains what to do if you metal detect, how to respond to requests to metal detect on your land and where to go for further advice.
Why Record and Report Finds?
All objects recovered from the ground offer an important source of information for understanding our past. If finds are not reported and recorded properly, this information is lost forever.

Even single objects found in the plough soil have an archaelogical setting and will contribute to our knowledge of past human activity.
Who Owns Metal Detecting Finds?
Objects recovered through metal deting are normally the property of the landowner unless declared Treasure, or unless an agreement has been drawn up between the landowner and finder which stipulates otherwise. (note: they will be doing all of the work).

If a find counts as Treasure under the Treasure Act (1996), a museum will have the option to acquire it, with any reward normally split between the landowner and finder.
What IsTreasure ?
Treasure is Objects (other than coins) more than 300 years old which are over 10% gold or silver by weight; two or more gold or silver coins, or ten or more base-metal coins, found together and over 300 years old; finds of two or more Prehistoric base-metal objects found together, objects of any material found associated with Treasure.
Will My Land Be Scheduled ?
Only sites of national importance are designated as scheduled monuments, after a careful assessment by English Heritage. Metal detector finds alone would not normally be enough to lead to a site being scheduled.
West Midlands
Complimentary Topics:
Insurance Cover
Law Menu
Everything For The Metal Detectorist - LAW (Advice)

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Metal Detectorists on Your Land - What Farmers Need To Know