Detectorist & Landowner's Agreement


Who is the Occupier/Land Owner of the land known as:
and …………………………………………………………………………...............

Whose hobby is modern field walking / metal detecting, and whose contact information is:

It is agreed that all finds made by the above named modern field walkers / metal detectorists during searches on the above named land will be shared equally with the occupier/owner named above.

It is further agreed that the proceeds of any sale of finds, or payment of any Treasure Act  rewards will also be shared equally between the named parties.

(Leave blank for open agreement)
This agreement to be in force from…………............. until……………........., at which time the field walkers / detectorists must make a fresh request for search permission and the continuation of this agreement .

Land Owner's Conditions:




Signed …...…………………………………………… date …………..................
(Detectorist / Field Walker)

Signed …...…………………………………………… date …………...................
(Land Owner / Occupier)
* A copy of this Agreement to be made and retained by the fieldwalkers / detectorists
and to be produced upon request by any person connected with the search site.

NGW 2015 Paragon of Metal Detecting & Archaeology
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